“Oh, God,” she whispered, her throat tight. Cody’s bike was in the back of the pickup and Cody was sitting in the cab of his father’s truck as Blake maneuvered the pickup up the twin ruts of the lane.

“I take it Cody’s with his father.” Chase grabbed his hat and put it on.

“You take it right.”

“Do you want me to leave?” Chase asked, though he had no intention of doing anything of the kind.

“No . . . it’s all right.”

“Good.” Chase’s chiseled mouth was set firmly and his arms were folded over his broad chest as he crossed his ankles and leaned against one of the fence posts.

“Momin’,” Blake said as he got out of the cab of his truck. Chase touched the brim of his Stetson in reply. The hat shaded his eyes and gave him an opportunity to watch Blake Summers. He felt immediate dislike for the man but didn’t say anything because of the boy. Instead he held his tongue for a later time, when Cody wasn’t present. The effort made his muscles ache with tension.

“I—I didn’t expect you back so soon,” Dani said, looking nervously from Blake to Chase and back again.

“Found my son hightailin’ it into town. Thought I’d better find out why.”

A muscle jumped in Chase’s jaw, but still he leaned on the fence post, as if content to stay out of a family argument.

“We had a little misunderstanding.”

“A big one, the way I hear it.”

“It was just a disagreement, Blake.” She turned concerned eyes on her son. “Cody, are you okay?”

The boy lifted a shoulder and stared at her with total disrespect. “I guess so.”

“You know I don’t like to fight with you.”

“Then why’s he still here?” Cody asked, pointing at Chase. Chase shifted, pushed up the brim of his hat and straightened. Walking over to Dani and standing near her, he introduced himself to Blake and was offered a tightlipped nod in return.

“Chase is here because I want him here,” Dani said, feeling color burn her cheeks.

“Just like Dad’s here ’cause I want him here,” Cody retorted. He took a step closer to Blake and continued to glare at Chase.

“The boy and I plan to go fishin’,” Blake said. “He claims he’s got himself a right good hole above the south fork.” Blake glanced at Chase and his lips twisted downward before he looked back at Dani. “So if ya don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind, as long as you stay on the place.”

Cody took hold of Blake’s arm and eagerly started leading him to the back of the property. “Come on, Dad, you’re gonna love it!”

“I’m sure I will,” Blake said as they passed Dani and he darted her a quick, assessing glance. He was wearing a smile that didn’t seem quite natural and his skin was taut over the angles of his face. He hadn’t shaved and there were bags below his reddened eyes.

Dani’s stomach curled. She’d seen Blake in the same shape before; hungover and surly after a long night’s binge.

“Why did he come back here?” she asked herself once Blake and Cody were out of earshot.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Chase said, rubbing his jaw thoughtfully as he watched Cody and Blake walk past the barn. “Maybe he’s feeling mortal; needs the security of knowing his son.”

“And maybe he’s up to no good,” Dani thought aloud.

“Time will tell.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Dani said. “I just hope that he doesn’t hurt Cody.”

“So you honestly don’t think that Blake is just here because he loves his son?”

“I don’t think Blake Summers is capable of love,” she said firmly, as Blake, Cody and Runt waded across the creek and walked through the final field before disappearing into the thicket of b