
“A good question,” Chase remarked thoughtfully. How many times had he asked himself why Caleb had traveled all the way to Boise? It just didn’t make a whole lot of sense. And the answers Caleb had given him were vague, as if he were hiding something from Chase. The situation made Chase uneasy and restless.

“You were right about one thing,” Chase said, straightening from the rail and advancing upon her.

Dani stood her ground. “Just one?”

“Everything has a price,” he whispered. “And believe me, I’m paying for my partnership.”

As Chase slowly walked the few steps separating them; Dani felt her pulse begin to race. “I feel sorry for anyone who gets involved with Johnson,” she said.

“I don’t want your pity.” Chase stood inches from her and Dani was wedged between the screen door and the wall of Chase’s body. He sent her a sizzling look that seared through all facades to cut into the woman within.

“Then what is it that you want?” she asked, wincing at the breathless quality in her voice.

He placed one hand against the wood frame of the door near her head. “I just want to get to know you better,” he whispered, his head lowering and his lips brushing across hers.

Dani’s heart began to hammer in her chest. The feel of his warm lips against hers was enticing. Little sparks of excitement tingled beneath her skin. This is madness, her conscience screamed as the kiss deepened, but she didn’t draw away from him.

He placed his free hand on the other side of her head, trapping her, but he didn’t touch her except for the fragile link of his lips against hers. She smelled the rain in his hair, tasted the hint of salt on his lips....

Dani should have felt trapped and she knew it, but she didn’t. Instead she felt the wondrous joy of being wanted and desired—more a woman than she’d felt in years.

“I—I think you should go,” she said, clearing her throat when he finally lifted his head to gaze into her eyes.


“It’s late.”

“Not that late.”

“Chase—” Her voice caught on his name. “Look, I think it would be better if we weren’t involved.”

“Too late.”

The man was maddening! “I . . . look, I just can’t. I don’t have time—”

“Sure you do.” His lips captured hers again and this time he wrapped the strength of his arms around her body. She felt small and weak and helpless, emotions she usually loathed but now loved.

“Chase—Please—” she whispered, but her words sounded more like a plea than a denial.

His tongue slid easily through her parted lips and her hands, pressed against his chest, were little resistance to his strength. She felt the corded power of bunched muscles beneath his wet shirt and the exhilaration of his tongue tasting hers.

Moaning as his hands pulled her closer still, she didn’t realize that her robe had gaped open and that the swell of her breasts and the pulse at her throat were visible in the darkness. She was conscious only of the strong fingers holding her tight, the muscular thighs pressed against hers and the pounding of her heart as it pumped blood furiously through her veins.

When he lifted her head to gaze at her, his gaze had become slumberous, smoldering with a passion so violent he could barely keep his head.

Dani felt the rapid rise and fall of her breasts in tempo with her labored breathing.

Gently he kissed her cheeks and her neck before his mouth settled on the ripe swell of her breast Dani gasped. His lips and tongue felt hot and wanton.

“Dani,” he choked out, his voice rough, his breath warm against the cleft between her breasts.

She tried to think, tried to push him away, but couldn’t find the strength or desire to let him go. Crazy as it was, she wanted to be with him, to get to know him, to lie with him. He was like no man she had ever met and he sparked something in her that she had thought was long dead.

“Oh, God,” he whispered when he gently tugged on her robe, baring her breast. The dark tip pointed proudly into the night.

“Please, don’t,” she whispered, summoning all of her strength and pulling on her robe.