They walked together down the short path that led to the stables. Diablo and Gustave were tied to the fence and nickered softly when Ashley approached.

“Looks like rain,” Trevor remarked, eyeing the cloudy sky.

“You’re not going to weasel out of this,” Ashley stated. “I worked all morning planning this thing, and we’re going on a picnic come hell or high water.”

“Whatever you say, ma’am,” he drawled with a bad western affectation.

“You do know how to ride?”

Trevor positioned the saddlebag on Diablo’s broad, black back. “A little.” Diablo stamped a dark hoof and tossed his head, jingling the bridle in contempt.

“It’s all right.” Ashley soothed the agitated horse with a soft pat on the neck before taking the reins of the smaller horse and swinging into the saddle.

They rode together in silence, Ashley leading the way on Gustave, a fiery bay quarter horse who had the bad habit of shying away from any noise. “Don’t be such a scaredy-cat,” Ashley admonished as she rubbed Gustave’s thick neck.

The dusty path led uphill through sagebrush and pine trees. After traveling for three miles, they reached the spot Ashley remembered from her childhood. It was a barren ridge with an enthralling view of the snow-covered Cascades.

When she stoppe

d, Trevor pulled up next to her and cast an approving eye at the view. “Worth the ride,” he muttered as he studied the mountainous horizon. The blue sky had filled with gray clouds that gathered around the highest peaks. “Could be in for some rain,” he reminded her.

“Then we’d better eat now,” Ashley stated as she swung out of the saddle. “I’m starved.”

While Ashley spread a blanket and arranged the food, Trevor tethered the horses. Ashley smiled as she watched him work. “Not bad for a tenderfoot,” she teased.

Trevor smiled and took a seat next to her on the blanket.

The first drops of rain started to fall just as Ashley poured the wine. As quickly as possible, they drank the wine and feasted on cold chicken, cheese, grapes and French bread. Even with the threat of rain, the meal was perfect. Ashley, as she laughed at Trevor’s witticisms, wondered vaguely if she was falling in love.

Because the storm looked as if it would worsen, Trevor repacked the saddlebags and they started back to the cabin much earlier than Ashley had planned. She had envisioned a warm, lazy afternoon with Trevor, learning more about him.

The summer shower began in earnest about halfway back to the cabin and Ashley was forced to urge Gustave into a trot. Once back on familiar soil, the quarter horse sprinted for the barn with Diablo on his tail.

Ashley was breathless by the time they were back in the stables and her long black hair was tangled from the fast ride.

Trevor unsaddled and cooled the horses while Ashley returned to the cabin, started a fire and unpacked the saddlebags. The wind picked up and the sky grew overcast, darkening the interior of the cabin. Rain pelted against the windows.

The fire had just caught and Ashley was sitting on the hearth attempting to brush the knots from her hair, when Trevor came back into the cabin. Raindrops lingered in his dark hair and reflected the warmth of the crackling flames. The interior of the cabin was filled with the scent of burning wood and hot coffee.

“I . . . I made some coffee,” Ashley stated, straightening and setting the brush aside.

Trevor walked across the short distance separating them and his magnetic blue eyes never released hers. Ashley’s pulse quickened at the nearness of him. When his cold lips pressed hungrily against hers, she knew that she would never find the strength to deny him again. His strong, muscular body was tense. She could feel his want in his restraint.

His tongue tested and probed and her lips parted willingly for him. She would offer everything to this exciting, mysterious man, hoping that he would care for her . . . if only a little.

A rush of liquid heat began to build within her, sending pulsating messages throughout her body. She couldn’t think or move when his warm, persuasive lips lingered on her neck and nibbled at the sensitive skin near her ear.

“Tell me you want me,” he whispered, his demand gentle.

“You know—”

“Say it!”

“I want you,” she admitted hoarsely.


“I don’t know—”