“What’s going on?” Claud demanded after a few strangling moments of silence.

“What’s going on?” she repeated casually, though her heart had seemed to miss a beat. She knew in an instant that Claud was on to her plan to help Trevor. “What do you mean?”

“Knock it off, Ashley. I know that you’ve been checking up on me.”

Ashley’s nerves were stretched to the breaking point. She had to support herself by leaning a slim and sagging shoulder against the wall. Somehow, despite the dread constricting her throat, she managed to keep her voice steady.

“Of course I have. You’ve known that all along. That’s why I quit my job. I decided that Stephens Timber needed me.”

“So why are all the reports being sent to the Bend office?” Claud asked in a voice filled with gruff indignation. “It looks to me like you’re doing a major audit of the books.”

“I told you I wanted to check all of the records,” she replied evenly.

“There’s more to it than that,” Claud accused. Ashley could almost hear the wheels turning in his mind.

“Just a simple, all-encompassing audit.”

“We have accountants to do that.”

“I prefer to look over everything myself.”

“You can stop whitewashing, Ashley. I know you’re up to something. I just want to know what it is.”

“Nothing all that mysterious, Claud. I just want to personally examine the books.”

“In Bend? Over Christmas? Give me a break, for Christ’s sake. You’re supposed to be on a vacation.”

“I am.”

“With the company records?” He was clearly dubious.


“You sure know how to have a good time,” he mocked, openly challenging her.

Ashley smiled grimly to herself. “I’m not the kind of person to shirk my responsibilities, Claud. You may as well face that fact right now. Either you can work with me or against me, but we both know who makes the ultimate decisions regarding the company.”

“And you just love to rub my nose in it, don’t you?” Claud said disgustedly.

“Only when I’m forced to.” She let out a weary sigh of frustration and tried to assuage her cousin’s growing suspicions. “Look, Claud, what I’m doing is merely routine. Now that my job with the college is over, I think I should spend as much time as possible acquainting myself with the company books. Otherwise I won’t be all that effective, will I?

“I intend to be more than just a figurehead with this corporation. It’s my duty to learn everything there is to know about Stephens Timber.”

“So you called John Ellis? Why didn’t you get in touch with me?”

Nervously she twisted the phone cord, but she forced her voice to remain determined. “I did. Remember? You were the one who balked at sending me the information I needed.”

“So you went behind my back.”

“I did what I had to do.”

Claud was still angry, but his suspicions seemed to be placated, at least for the moment. “So when will you be in Portland?” he asked, changing the subject.

“Soon. I don’t have a precise date, but sometime before the first of the year.” Ashley wanted to end the conversation as quickly as possible, before Trevor woke up. “I’ve got things to do right now, but I’ll talk to you when I’m back in town. I’m sure you’ll be interested to know how the books look.”

“I already do,” Claud muttered before hanging up.

When Ashley replaced the receiver, she let out a long sigh of relief and turned toward the stairs. She found herself face-to-face with Trevor. His expression was murderous.