His lips touched and teased her, inflaming the wanton fires of passion to

surge through her veins until she began to move beneath him. Her hands strayed downward, touching the rippling muscles of his back and outlining each tense sinew with her fingertips.

Trevor closed his eyes and groaned in helpless surrender. His hands began to knead her breasts and his knees impatiently parted her legs, testing her willingness by rubbing himself gently against her abdomen.

A soft gasp escaped from her throat, and when he lowered his head to capture her parted lips with his, Ashley thought she would die with wanting him. His tongue explored and plundered the sweet delights of her mouth while he gripped her shoulders firmly with his hands and entered the dark warmth of her womanhood.

Ashley’s mind was swirling with erotic images. Her fingers dug into his back as she felt the womanly pressure within her build. Slowly, as if enjoying the torture of denial, he pushed closer to her, touching her most intimate core, closing the space that held her away from him and savoring the sweet agony of her cry.

“Please,” she whispered throatily, her glazed eyes looking into his. Her throat was dry, the words a strain. “Take me, Trevor,” she begged.

The light of satisfaction glimmered in his eyes as he began to thrust against her. He watched in fascination while she responded in kind, holding on to him in desperate need, as if she expected him to disappear into the cool morning air.

Sweat beaded on his brow and glistened against his naked skin as he restrained himself, waiting until he felt the warmth of her explode in a liquid burst of satiation. Then he, too, let go and felt the sudden rush of blinding fire as he sealed their union of flesh and mind and fell heavily against her with a moan of triumphant release.

“I love you, Ashley,” he claimed. “God forgive me, but I’ve always loved you. Even when you were married to another man.”

The lump in Ashley’s throat expanded with his words. “Shhh, Trevor—not now.” Lovingly, her fingers touched his hair, smoothing the wavy chestnut strands away from his face. His words touched the deepest, most precarious part of her heart and she couldn’t allow herself the luxury of believing them. Not now. Not ever.

She had felt the pain of his betrayal once before and had sworn never to live the life of a fool again. It would be too easy to believe him—to trust her heart—to let the pain recapture her in its bittersweet claws.

After a few moments of reflective silence, Ashley attempted to lighten the mood in the cold cabin. “How about breakfast in bed?” she asked.

Trevor smiled knowingly and ran a sensuous finger down the length of her body. “I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on food.”

She laughed and shook her hair out of her eyes. “Well, I could. I’m hungry enough to eat a horse. Come on.” Slapping him playfully on his rump, she hopped out of the bed, grabbed her robe and slipped it on. “I’ll make breakfast while you get the fire going in the den.”

“And then you’ll serve me in bed?”

Ashley was halfway to the bathroom by the time his words hit her. When she turned to look over her shoulder and cast him an intentionally provocative glance, she found him leaning on one elbow, his blue eyes following her every move.

“You are talking about breakfast, aren’t you, Senator?”

“Among other things . . .”

“Um-hmm. I think we’d better eat in the kitchen. It might be safer.”


“Look who’s talking. You’re the one with the important project, or have you forgotten?”

“It’s Christmas!”

Ashley smiled despite herself. “That it is. Merry Christmas, darling.” She winked at him seductively, turned on her heel and made a big show of going into the bathroom to change. She half expected him to follow her and was more than slightly disappointed when he didn’t.

After she had showered and changed, she walked through the loft again and noted that he was still in bed, but far from sleeping.

“Come here,” he commanded when she breezed past the four-poster. His delft-blue eyes were smoldering with passion.

“Not on your life,” she teased, but when he reached out and took hold of her wrist, she was forced to spin around and face the determined set of his jaw. Her wet hair dangled in glistening ebony ringlets around her flushed face as he roughly pulled her down on the bed.

“You’re no gentleman, Senator Daniels,” she laughed as she fell against him.

“And you love it.” His fingers toyed with the buttons of her sweater. “Someone should teach you a lesson, you know.”

“And you’re applying for the job?” Her eyebrows rose a skeptical fraction.

“I’ve got it.” One of the pearllike fasteners near her neck was loosened, exposing just a hint of white skin at her shoulder. Her green eyes danced in mock dismay as she clutched at her throat. The love she had harbored for eight long years was unhidden in the even features of her face.