“Oh, it won’t be that hard since he’ll probably be in the penitentiary for the rest of his life.”

“And you don’t care?” she asked gently.

“He’s never been a father to me. What happened between him and my mother was something that occurred before I was born.” He took a long sip from his coffee. “But, I made another agreement with him.”

“Now what?” she groaned.

“I’m moving my company to Martinville.”

“That, I like.”

He stood and came over to her chair, taking her hand and drawing her to her feet. “I thought you might. The next part is even better, I hope. I told Caleb that since he’s bound and determined to build Summer Ridge, that we would deed over the rights to the hot springs to him.”

“You what!”

“Just listen, okay? He’ll have to divert the water down the hill, of course, through the trees, to the back of his resort.”

“I don’t know about this—”

“In return, he’ll grant us the right to control the water flow. With the money we get from the sale of those water rights, we’re going to restore the old homestead house and maybe add on a couple of extra rooms,” he said.

“Oh, Chase,” she said, happiness swelling in her chest. “That’s wonderful, but it’s a big house. Why more rooms?”

“Modern ones—such as bathrooms with plumbing and a nursery—”

“A nursery?” she said, laughing.

“At least one.” He stood and took her into his arms. “Now, what do you say?”

“What took you so long to come into my life?” She looked up at him with bright hazel eyes, all the love in her heart reflected in her gaze.

“Then next Saturday is a good day for a wedding?”

“If we can’t do it tomorrow—”

He swept her off her feet and grinned. “You know, I’ve just had a change of heart.”


“Yep. Maybe we should send Cody to school after all. Then we’d have the rest of the day together.”

She smiled seductively. “Sounds like heaven, but you already made a promise that he could stay home.”

“My mistake,” he groaned and kissed her neck. “But just you wait, lady. Once Cody goes to sleep tonight . . .”

“Promises, promises,” she quipped.

“That’s right,” he said. “Promises for the rest of your life.” Then he kissed her gently, his mouth softly moving over hers, causing her heart to pound and her pulse to flutter.

“Forever?” she asked.


Midnight Sun

To the two and only,

Cousin Dave and Cousin Les