“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down. One flaw at a time, okay?” He stared into her eyes and noticed a spark of wicked amusement in their green depths. She was pulling his chain and trying to smother a smile. “You talked about your job. Don’t forget mine. I’m in charge of the investigation.”

“We could work together.”

“Yeah, right.”

“We have before.”

“Not by my choice.”

“I’m just saying—”

“Okay, well, here’s the deal,” he said with a sigh. “First and foremost, you be careful. I don’t want to lose you. Ever.” He gave her another squeeze and she snuggled closer, her skin so warm and inviting he had trouble concentrating, but he forced himself. “And secondly, you talk to me about what you’re doing. You can’t be doing anything that could compromise the police investigation.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know this.”

“I’m serious. Nikki, someone broke into our house.”

“Well, I think I didn’t lock the door.”

“I know, so you said, but whoever it was, it wasn’t a social call. So—”

“I get it. I’ll be careful. I’ll check with you—” She turned her face to his and kissed him, her lips warm and supple, her body so tight and close.

“Wait,” he forced out against his own body’s desires, the heat that was flowing in his blood. “You’re still healing.”

“I know, but the doctor said everything was okay, whenever I felt like it we could, you know . . .” Her breath played against his chest. “There are things we could do . . .”

“Nikki, please, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Hurt me, Reed,” she whispered, breathing against his abdomen. “Please . . . hurt me. Or—wait.” She paused and looked up at him from beneath the covers, green eyes peering up through the tousle of red-blond curls. “I’ve got a better idea.”

Again her breath was playing havoc with his mind. “Do you?” he managed to get out.

“Um-hmm. Let me hurt you.” Still gazing up at him, she smiled mischievously. “Let me hurt you real good.”

The woman was impossible to resist.

* * *

At least she and Reed were talking again, in the same book, so to speak, if not exactly on the same page. They’d woken up later than usual, and Reed had run through the shower and shaved, dressed hurriedly and said to Nikki, who was still in the bed, “Just promise me that you won’t do anything crazy,” as he’d stuffed his keys and wallet into his pockets.

“No craziness,” she’d said with mock sincerity as she’d raised her arm as if taking an oath and Jennings had hopped onto Reed’s recently vacated pillow to curl up.

“I’m serious. Be safe. Keep everything locked and let me know when you go out.”

“Aye, aye, captain.”

“I said, I’m serious!”

“And I’m Nikki Gillette, glad to meet you.”

“Ugh. So corny, Nik. And so old school.”

“I know. But just try to lighten up, okay?”

“Lighten up? Last night—”

“Is over. Okay? Besides, I’ve got this guy”—she motioned to the dog bed, where Mikado raised his head and yawned, showing his teeth—“to protect me.”