The old man hadn’t lied.

With renewed effort, he held the flashlight in his teeth and shoved one shoulder against the armoire, shoving the heavy chest to one side, wedging it tight against a stack of stained boxes. Sure enough, the seam was the outline of a small door cut into the bricks.

He just had to figure out how to open it. He had no more keys, no crowbar, but as he shined his light over the seam in the bricks, he ran the tips of his fingers over the rough edges of the mortar.

No knob.

No pull.

No handle of any kind.


There had to be a way.

More carefully he touched the edges of the seam again but . . . nothing. “Come on, come on,” he muttered in frustration.

No one said it would be easy, but he could use an effin’ break.

Thump, thump, thump, thump!

The noise thundered through the basement.

Bronco froze.

What the hell?

Oh, shit! Someone was running across the porch!


Had he closed the outside door? Locked it behind him?

Hell, no!


Why was anyone out here after the damned storm?

In one motion, he ducked, dimmed his flashlight and raised his gun, his eyes trained laser-sharp on the foot of the stairs, where only the faintest shaft of illumination was visible. Sweat drizzled into his eyes.

Could he really do it?

Kill a man? Or a woman? Or a damned kid?

Crap, crap, crap!

Heavy breathing, more thumping as whoever it was rounded that final landing.

Oh, Jesus. Someone heard the shot! That’s what it was!

Bronco’s finger tightened over the trigger.

In a blur of motion a shadow leaped from the final steps.

He fired—Bang!—and caught a glimpse of shiny fur as an animal yelped as if in pain, or scared and out of his mind.

No! His stupid dog! Jesus Christ, he’d just killed his damned dog!