“Not just claiming. Shouting it. At least her lawyer is.”

“Jada Hill isn’t known to be demure.”


“Anything new on the case?” She feigned innocence as she lifted the bottle to her lips again, but he saw the eager spark in her green eyes.

He shook his head.

“No surprise there.”

“Unfortunately, no surprises anywhere.”

“Hmm, too bad.” She arched a sexy little eyebrow at him, and her hand touched his shoulder. Warm. Soft. Breaking his concentration. The corners of her lips twitched, and her green eyes darkened a bit.

“Ms. Gillette, are you flirting with me?”


He let his free hand fall to her leg. “What is it you want, Nikki?”

“Just you.” She whispered the words into his ear.

“Yeah, right,” he murmured, but he couldn’t deny the heat that was suddenly invading his blood, the hardness that was growing between his legs. “I know you better than that, girl, but you know what?” He plucked the bottle from her hand and set it, along with his, on a small table. “You asked, so you’re gonna get.”

“Just what I wanted to hear.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him hard. Lips parting, tongue touching his, she pulled him down to the floor with her and made him lose all doubts about the upcoming marriage.

He knew very well she could be the most frustrating woman on earth, and yet the most fascinating. His fingers, tongue, and lips explored every inch of her, her hands warm and magical against his bare skin. She traced the length of his spine with her fingertips, stopping just short of the split of his buttocks.

“Chicken,” he whispered, kissing her, feeling a tingle that spread through his body.

“Not me.” Grabbing the flesh of his cheek, she licked his inner ear and he groaned, desire racing through him until his head was pounding, his heart thudding wildly, his lips finding hers before dipping lower to touch the tip of her breast. Already button-hard, her nipple tightened, and as she began to moan, he rolled her over and, holding both breasts in his hands, forced her knees apart and pushed himself into the slick heat of her. She cried out as he began to move, and his mind went blank to anything but the pure carnal feel of her. Sweat. Salt. Drumming heartbeat. Rising pulse. Blood roaring in his ears. And the hardness of his cock straining until it was nearly painful. Faster and faster. Friction and heat. Rapid breathing, crazily rocketing heart.

“Nikki,” he whispered hoarsely as he tried to hold back. “I can’t—”

She bucked, crying out in a rasp he didn’t recognize as he let go, the dam breaking, all his energy expelled in a rush of heat and soul-rocking desire.

Collapsing upon her, he twined his fingers in her wild reddish curls and wondered why it was always this way with her, the need always so crushing, the desire bordering on catastrophic. “You’re killing me.”

Laughing silently through rapid gasps, she twisted her head to look up at him through a tangled lock. “I’m assuming that’s a compliment, Detective.” Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright, and he knew then why he loved her so much.

He kissed her shoulder. “Yep.”

“Okay,” she said on a soft sigh, “I guess I’ll have to believe you.”

He traced a finger along the curve of her neck. “If you doubt me, I could try to convince you again.” Her lips stretched a little wider, showing off her teeth and, between them, a bit of tongue.

“So soon? Hmm. Okay, Detective. I dare you. But you’d better try harder this time. Really hard.”

“You’re on,” he whispered, already feeling his cock start to stiffen. “Oh, honey, you are so on.”


“I need to show you something,” Nikki said as she padded into the kitchen from the bedroom where they’d taken their lovemaking. She was dressed only in her underwear and Reed’s dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up, the tails hanging over her rear end.

“I think you already did.”

“Very funny,” she called over her shoulder. It was all she could do not to demand to know everything he’d learned from Blondell, to try and convince him to spill the tiniest of details, but she was smart enough to know that wouldn’t get her very far. She had to be patient, and Lord knew that wasn’t her strong suit.