Just what she needed.
Both reporters saw her within the same millisecond and pounced. “Mrs. Bandeaux, if I could have a word,” Max said, striding closer and flashing his most charming smile.
“You know hospital policy,” the nurse said.
“No comment.” Caitlyn returned his aren’t-we-the-best-of-buddies grin with a cold replication. She turned to Nikki who, backpack slung over one shoulder, was swiftly approaching. “The same goes for you.”
The nurse pushed her wheelchair through the double sets of glass doors and the aide rolled the rattling cart of flowers behind them. Undaunted, Max and Nikki trailed like bloodhounds. It was all Caitlyn could do not to scream at them that she wanted to be left alone, that she didn’t want to see her face or name splashed all over the evening news or the front page of the Savennah Sentinel, that she just wanted some peace in her life.
Outside Adam was waiting, one jean-clad hip resting against the fender of his double-parked rig. A beat-up leather jacket was stretched across his shoulders and one side of his mouth lifted at the sight of her. He opened the passenger-side door, as if he expected her to climb inside.
“Wait a minute, where’s Troy?” Caitlyn demanded.
“Hung up at the bank.”
“What? I just talked to him an hour ago.”
Adam’s eyes glinted with a bit of mischief. “It was last-minute.”
“That’s what he said.”
“Maybe we should call him.” Caitlyn didn’t have any time for this nonsense.
“My cell’s in the car.”
“Good, maybe you could bring it to me,” she said, then realized the nurse was becoming impatient, the aide had pushed the cart of flowers and gifts to the back of the SUV and Max O’Dell, Nikki Gillette and the cameraman were all hovering nearby, waiting for a story, watching the drama playing out between Caitlyn and Adam Hunt.
“Come on. I don’t bite.” His eyes actually sparked for an instant. “Well, not usually.”
“Maybe I do.”
“Oh, you definitely do.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Very funny.”
She glanced over her shoulder. Was the cameraman really filming this? Oh, for God’s sake! “Isn’t there something more newsworthy than me leaving the hospital?” she asked of Max O’Dell before turning back to Adam. “I’ve changed my mind. Let’s go.”
He helped her into the rig, and she wondered if she was making the worst mistake of her life.
That would be going some, considering your track record. Give the guy a chance. Just hear him out. What have you got to lose?
She didn’t want to think about it. She watched him climb into the driver’s seat and twist on the ignition. He smelled of leather and the faint scent of some masculine cologne. She remembered kissing him, the feel of his lips on hers and quickly killed the thought.
“Let’s see if we can lose the press,” he said as he gunned the accelerator, wheeled out of the parking lot and she relaxed against the tufted leather. She was just too tired to fight. Glancing out the window to the sunny day beyond she wondered again about falling in love with him. Would it be so wrong? Wouldn’t he just break her heart?
Oh, get over it. Your heart’s been broken before. If he turns out to be a loser, you can always throw him out on his ass. Come on, Caitie-Did. Go for it.
It was almost as if she could hear her sister’s advice again and she figured that every once in a while it didn’t hurt to imagine that she was listening to her twin. Every once in a while she needed to remember. Even now she could recall Kelly as a child, pushing her to climb a tree, or swim in a deeper part of the river, of laughing at her and teasing her, the girl who looked so much like her and was so different. As a teenager Kelly had been daring, nearly as accomplished as Amanda at sports and yet feminine and a tad naughty. She’d been so confident and free on the day of the boating accident . . . Yes, it was good for Caitlyn to remember. She just wouldn’t let it go too far.
Hell, Caitie-Did, Kelly seemed to say now, give Adam a break. You’re an idiot if you can’t see that he’s in love with you.
Caitlyn glanced over at him as he shoved a pair of sunglasses over the bridge of his nose and angled the Jeep through traffic. As if feeling the weight of her stare, his lips twitched and he placed his hand over hers to give it a quick squeeze before letting go.
Her heart stupidly skipped a beat.