Page 76 of Shadow of Doubt

“And you’ll never forgive me.”

Her teeth sunk into her lower lip. “I don’t think I can.”

He looked about to say something, changed his mind and turned toward the door. “I wasn’t lying when I told you I loved you, Nikki. And I’ve never been so damned scared in my life. When I saw you on the cliff…” He leaned back against the door and his face turned the color of chalk.

Her heart turned over. Love him! Trust him! Forgive him! He did it for you!

“When I figured out that you were on Salvaje digging up dirt on Crowley I thought I should try to protect you. I didn’t lie when I said that I took one look at you in Seattle and lost all perspective. Seeing you on the island only reinforced my feelings. That’s why I came up with the cock-and-bull story about being married. I just wanted to get you safe and hustle you off the island as quickly as I could. I thought that if we traveled together, posed as husband and wife, Crowley and his men wouldn’t be so suspicious. It might have worked, too, if it hadn’t been for the storm.” His mouth twisted into a sad smile.

“What if I hadn’t lost my memory?”

A muscle twitched in his jaw. “I don’t know. I would have come up with something else.”

“You took one helluva chance.”

He stared at her. And the words, I did it for you didn’t come to his lips. Instead, he read the censure in her eyes, slid one final look down her body and said, “You know how I feel and you know where I live. Oh, by the way, it’s not really my house.”

Another lie.

“I rent it from a friend.”

Well, not so bad.

He opened the door. “Goodbye, Nikki.” With a quick glance over his shoulder, he was gone, the door shut behind him, and giving into the exhaustion that overcame her, she slid to the floor, dropped her head in her hands and cried.

* * *

Nikki sipped a cup of coffee and stared at the small television on Frank Pianzani’s desk. It had been nearly a week since her story broke, and in that time she’d become Frank’s new star reporter. Max, having been exposed for tipping off the senator, had been fired.

Frank was pleased with himself. Thanks to Nikki, the Observer had scooped all the competition, and now the outcome of her incredible work was on the evening news.

Nikki stared at the screen and watched as Senator Crowley’s face, showing signs of strain, appeared. His voice, however, still rang like an orator’s. “I categorically deny the charges. They are absolutely false and all the constituents of the state of Washington who have voted for me over the years know that I’ve never accepted a bribe, nor have I accepted gifts from special interest groups.”

“What about the man in the hospital? Felipe Rodriguez?”

“I don’t know much about him. He’s only been on my payroll a month or two. But the man is obviously suffering from delusions. His story is too bizarre to be believed. Why, just look at my record—”

“Rodriguez claims that you met on Salvaje, that you were recently there and that you paid him to kill an American citizen, Nicole Carrothers, a reporter for the Observer.”

“As I said—delusions. His story is preposterous. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have no further comment.”

Frank snapped off the set. “Looks like old Diamond Jim isn’t going to seek reelection.”


“And the senate ethics committee will look into your allegations.”

“More good news.”

“It just keeps coming and coming,” Frank said, standing and stretching. His white shirt was wrinkled, and he snapped his suspenders happily. “You know, I don’t think I ever gave you enough credit around here.”

“You didn’t,” Nikki said.

Frank rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I’ll make it up to you.”

“Too late.”
