“Guess who put me there?” He was still pissed as hell at Heidi’s jerk of a dad.

“Well, he let you go,” she reminded him, in that wheedling voice that used to turn him on but now bugged him.

“ ’Cuz I shouldn’t have been arrested!”

“He thinks I should break up with you.”


Lisa Jackson

“Not exactly a news flash, Heidi.”

“Are you mad at me?” she demanded, getting pissed.

“How would you like to spend the night in a drunk tank with an old guy who thinks he was transported to some alien ship? Not fun.”

“Where are you now?”

“Leaving Tyler’s.”

“Can you stop by and pick me up?”

“No!” Did she have any brains at all? “I’m not gonna go another round with your dad. I know he’s probably at work. I don’t care. I’ll talk to you later.”

He clicked off and climbed into the cab, then started heading toward the center of Grizzly Falls. He didn’t know where he was going, who he could possibly see. Who might help him find his mom. He just knew he couldn’t count on the police. The wipers slapped the snow aside but it kept coming down. Jeremy turned by the sheriff’s department and got a little heebie-jeebie shiver down his spine. Didn’t wanna go back there!

His cell phone buzzed again. Damn it, Heidi. But this time it was Bianca.

“I got your billion messages, okay? I’m just busy,”

he said impatiently, turning the wheel and heading down the hill into Old Grizz.

“Come and get me!” she wailed. “I can’t stand it here. Where’s Mom? Have you heard anything?”

“No! I—” Jeremy sucked in his breath sharply. There, just climbing out of his truck, was Nate Santana, his mom’s lover. Maybe he was the bastard who’d kidnapped her. Maybe it was his fault!

“What?” Bianca demanded.

“Gotta go.” He clicked off, tossed the cell onto the passenger seat, then parked his truck next to



Santana’s. Hurriedly, he climbed out, following the dark-haired man down t

he slippery, snow-covered sidewalk. “Hey!” he yelled. “Santana!”

The man cocked his head, then slowly turned around. Behind him, the neon sign of the Spot Tavern glowed through the white haze. Seeing Jeremy, Santana frowned, his harsh features growing even harsher. Jeremy strode up to him and they stared at each other through the falling snow.

Looking at him, thinking about him with his mom, thinking about everything that had happened to all of them these last few days, Jeremy felt anger boil up inside him. He wanted to kill the bastard!

“I oughtta rip your fucking head off!” he yelled furiously. “What have you done with my mom!”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

What the hell?