“Ahhgg!” He hit hard, his chin slamming into the hard stones.


Regan was on him in an instant, the short tether of her handcuffs keeping her close to the cot. Before he could get to his feet, she yanked up on his hair, stretching his neck and wrapping the links of her handcuffs under his throat.


She pulled harder, the chain digging in

to his soft flesh.

He made a strangled cry, tried to roll away. 278

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Naked, riding his back, she pulled as hard as she could, trying desperately to cut off his air. But he was writhing. Fighting her, his surprise giving way to fury. “You bitch!” he sputtered, rearing up, nearly pulling her arm out of its socket. Pain bristled through her torso and she cried out.

Still she hung on his back.

He tried to get to his feet, but she drew her knee up, splitting his butt cheeks, trying to hit his testicles. She kicked.

Her knee connected.

He let out a howl that echoed through the rooms. Reverberated through her mind.

“Bitch! Goddamned—” His words were cut off, his breath whistling and wet.

Die, you son of a bitch! Die!

Gasping and frantic, he dug wildly at the chain closing off his windpipe with his fingers. Pescoli’s arm felt as if it were being wrenched from her body.

He twisted and turned, his fingernails raking his skin as he tried to force them between the skin over his windpipe and the sharp, tiny loops of steel. Gritting her teeth, she pulled harder, hoping to close his windpipe forever. Her shoulder screamed in pain. Was on fire. It was all she could do to hang on. Don’t let go. If you do, it’s over! Hold on! For God’s sake, pull!

Again he reared, trying to get to his knees. Attempting to shake her off. She clung like a burr.

He struggled.

And she saw the back of his neck.



Without thinking, she leaned forward, teeth bared. She bit down. Hard into the flesh where his shoulder and head connected. Tasted salt and sweat. He shrieked in pain.

She bit harder. Closing her teeth.

If she could nick his jugular vein or carotid artery, he would bleed out. Her teeth ripped into his flesh. He bucked hard.

She nearly flew off. Twisted. She heard something pop in her arm. A tendon give way. Blood flowed. Metallic. Salty. Running from his body into her mouth.

Keep at it!

Don’t let go!

He was sputtering now. Writhing and screaming. Determined to throw her off. He flipped over, so she was beneath him.
