“Anyone ever figure out how that killer knew so much about Star-Crossed?”

“There were clippings of all the killings, videotapes of the press conferences, and a lot of stories that the television and radio stations had run. She pieced together most of it, but there’s a chance she had a mole.”

“A mole? Like a spy? Here? ” Grayson was on his feet and pointing at the floor as if to indicate the entire sheriff’s department.

“As in some one with police ties. Not necessarily anyone from this department.”

Grayson muttered under his breath. He was tired and it showed, the lines around his eyes deeper than normal, his usual slow-spreading smile nowhere to be found. His feathers ruffled, he sat down next to Alvarez and across the table from the federal agents.

“Okay, so you guys will find out how the copycat got her information,” he said to Halden. “But right now let’s concentrate on the original. He’s still at large, still using my county as his personal hunting ground, still got one of my detectives and at least one other woman, and he’s really pissing me off.

“I’ve got a press conference in”—he checked his watch—“less than an hour, so let’s get to it. Go over what we do know.”

“I know that Ross DeGrazio, Brady Long’s housekeeper’s son, owns the same caliber weapon and he’s a helluva shot,” Brewster offered. “Saw him in a



competition I entered. He almost beat me. Came in second.”

“The college kid?” Grayson looked skeptical, then lifted a hand in acquiescence. Nothing made sense.

Halden said, “We’ll check out his weapon and alibis.”

Selena made a mental note to look into Clementine’s kid herself. Was it possible?

“Any other ideas?” Grayson asked.

“The boyfriend of Elyssa O’Leary,” Chandler put in, checking her notes. “Cesar Pelton. He was a marine. Dishonorable discharge. Spent some time as a security guard before he had domestic assault charges leveled against him by his ex-wife.” She suddenly had everyone’s attention. “But he has no connection to the other victims. As for an alibi? We’re not even sure Elyssa’s car was hit. He lives in Missoula, so it’s close enough to be possible, but we have no corroborating evidence other than he’s abusive.”

“So . . . he’s not a suspect?” Selena asked.

“It doesn’t seem right. The ex-wife is a liar and Pelton’s been pretty visible around Missoula this whole time. He’s quick with his fists, but is he organized enough? He can barely hold down a job. Keeps overdrawing his accounts and gets into trouble with the law. Doesn’t appear to be near as smart as our guy.”

The FBI agent seemed frustrated and tired. Alvarez had done some checking on Pelton as well and had nearly written him off, too. “We’ll keep looking at him,” Chandler said, but she sounded a little disinterested. Brewster said, “My money’s still on DeGrazio. Or someone who lives closer to Grizzly Falls.”


Lisa Jackson

Grayson checked his watch. “Anything else?”

The discussion went on, different theories bandied about, all tips that had come through the hotline discussed and doled out, the notes left at the crime and map of the area where the cars and bodies were found passed around.

They’d about wrapped up the meeting when there was a tap on the door and Joelle poked her head into the room. “Sorry,” she said, and Alvarez half expected her to come clipping in with a tray of snickerdoodles, cranberry pinwheels, and Mexican wedding cakes, but instead she said, “I know you asked not to be disturbed, but Officer Slatkin is on the phone and he says he’s got some information you’re wanting.”

Everyone went silent.

“Put him through on line one.” Grayson motioned to Zoller, who was seated at the desk with the phones. “Put it on speaker.” She did and in a few seconds the connection was made.

“This is Grayson. What’ve ya got, Mikhail?”

“First a confirmation. The bullet that was lodged in the back of Brady Long’s chair is a match to those we found at two of the sites where the wrecked cars were located.”

Alvarez’s heart sank. So Star-Crossed had changed.

“Okay, what else?” Grayson asked.