



“The chopper’s up!” Grayson said.

Alvarez stood on the brakes and her Jeep shuddered to a stop near Nate Santana’s truck.

“Snowmobiles, too, heading to Cougar Basin. Deputies are on their way to cordon off the mine and this place.” He opened the passenger door as Alvarez slid from behind the wheel. “I hope Santana knows what he’s talking about.”

“Santana wouldn’t steer us wrong.”

Weapons drawn, they stepped out quietly, carefully, silently, circling the house. Alvarez noticed the footprints, motioning to them as Grayson nodded. They knocked on the door. “Billy Hicks? Police!

Open up!”


They looked at each other.

Knew backup was still five minutes away. Five minutes they didn’t have.

They burst through the door, first Grayson, then Alvarez.

The place was empty.

A quick check of the rooms confirmed that if anyone was inside, they were hidden deep in the tunnels below.

“That son of a bitch,” Grayson said, then called Brewster. “We need every entrance to the mine cut off and the tunnels explored. This guy’s got himself the Roman catacombs up here.”

Outside, they saw the tracks.

“Let’s go!”

Together, they began to run.






Lisa Jackson

The ice was splintering, breaking, water seeping upward.

It’s over, Regan thought, knowing she was going to die a horrid, freezing death where her lungs would fill with water and she would never see her children again. Who would care for them? Jeremy, oh, God, Joe, I’m so sorry. I should have been more careful and taken care of him. Her son was already in trouble, and now with both parents gone . . . And Bianca . . . Lucky, take care of her. Hicks screamed as the ice gave way. He dropped the knife, tried to hold on to something, anything, his hand grappling wildly as he tumbled through the crevice, deep into the icy water. His grip on her leg didn’t lessen and she, too, was dragged toward the ever-growing hole. She kicked and fought, her foot connecting with his head, but like a vise, his hand held fast.

Slowly but surely, he pulled her with him, down into the frigid, deadly depths.

“Regan!” She heard her name as she clung to the slippery surface. It was Nate’s voice, but came from a distance, over the rumble of thunder. From a great, great distance . . .