Page 58 of The Final Strife

The Embers heard their holy words and were subdued, until the youngest of them spoke out: “We must prove it.”

So six trials were decided for each guild. Six for strength, six for duty, six for knowledge, six for truth. All across six mooncycles.

They like the number six, no?

The competition commenced. Embers over the age of fifteen entering from all over the land. Still the founding wardens won their place, retaining their titles. But to those who came in second, they offered up a role. An apprenticeship like no other—the title of disciple was bestowed.

“For ten years you will learn all there is in the guild you now belong to. When we step down, you will rise up. The trials will then commence again to discover the next disciple, and so the cycle will continue.”

Those hungry for power were sated, knowing that their opportunity would come again.

This is the story of the first Aktibar, and why, every ten years, the Embers compete to find the best among the red.