She giggled at her silly thoughts. Devon wouldn’t appreciate the image that invoked, so she kept it to herself. His loss, really. Instead, she decided to continue chatting him up because he was so clearly annoyed by her presence. Poor man. Didn’t he know this was practice for when they had to meet up for his baking lessons?

“So, are you coming down?” She jerked a thumb at the water. “I’m sure my friends would love to meet you.”

“I’m good.”

“Are you really not going to take a dip?” she asked. She wondered how he would look if he actually smiled more. Devastatingly handsome, probably.

“Not right now.” He continued sipping from his mug, not looking at her.

She didn’t know if he didn’t want to be distracted by her bathing suit or what, but Reba was fine with carrying this entire conversation herself.

“You know, we could have totally gotten started on our baking classes this weekend since we’re both in the same space after all.”

He cut his eyes her way, and Reba almost took a step back as she was blasted with the barely banked annoyance there, except she would have gone tumbling down the steps had she moved too far back. She stepped away from the stairs, which put her closer to where Devon was standing. He didn’t seem to appreciate that at all, scowl growing deeper.

“I told you. Not a word to my family about this.”

She folded her arms, leaning back against the railing. “Yeah, you said, but why?”

“I don’t need them up in my business.”

“Am I your business now?” she purred.

“Don’t say it like that. You know what I mean.”

She leaned forward. “Do I?”

He scrubbed a hand down his face over that soft-looking beard. “Why am I even here?” he asked quietly, definitely more to himself than her. “Just please keep this between us.”

She saluted. “Sure thing. You’re paying, after all.”

“Hey, you’re here.”

They both turned as Cherisse strolled out, bag over her shoulder.

“Aww, boss lady, you’re leaving already?”

“Yeah. Need to get the desserts to that party, then make sure I have everything for my flight tomorrow.”

Since they had prepped the ridiculous cake during the day on Friday, Cherisse just had to get it to the client in one piece.

“Well, no worries. I promise a fun time for Mama King tonight.” She lowered her voice. “I got the cake all stashed up in our fridge. We’ll bring her over when the sun goes down. Then the fun can begin.”

“More partying?” Devon asked, the crease deepening between his brows.

“Party Central over there tonight. Be there or be square.” Reba looked him up and down, lingering slightly on the fit of the t-shirt over his chest. The man was truly a work of art. Tall, built, with a frown Reba wanted to turn upside down.

She would get a smile out of Devon yet before this weekend was over. She had just decided. She loved a good challenge, after all.

“Too bad you can’t be there,” she said to Cherisse. “But go do what you do, then have all that sexy fun with your man.” She winked, and Devon fully drained his mug and walked inside without a word.

Reba pursed her lips at his rude exit. “That brother-in-law of yours is quite the character.”

“Whoa, slow all that down. It’s too soon for that. Marriage is not on the horizon.” Cherisse looked ready to panic, and Reba grinned. These two were too cute.

“But someday.”

“Let’s survive not killing each other for a few years first, at least. Well, let me get that man of mine and head out. Don’t bruk out too much tonight, okay?”