
The moonlightfrom the yacht was more beautiful than anything Devon had ever seen. Actually, that wasn’t true. While the silvery light on the dark water was a sight, Reba standing at the railing looking out was more breathtaking.

They had slipped away from the main party to get some alone time, as well as to give Devon a reprieve from Dax’s invitees. His level of people skills was reaching its limit. He didn’t know how Reba did it.

Even after experiencing her in her element, he couldn’t fathom why she enjoyed this, especially now that it was obvious they were a couple. Dax’s guests couldn’t stop asking invasive questions about how they met and how long they’d been together. One noisy woman had even brought up engagement talk, which, after only two weeks of officially being something, was absolutely not on the table.

He fiddled with the piece of paper in his hand, figuring it was now or never.

“Here.” He handed her the letter.

“Another one?”

“I told you I can be spontaneous in my own way. Just read it.”

“Oh my God. Another romantic letter? Why are you so sweet?”

Devon looked around. There were maybe three other people roaming around, not paying them any mind. “Can we use our inside voices, please?”

Reba grinned, looking beyond pleased. God, she was stunning with the moonlight washing her in its glow. He had never stood a chance of resisting her.

“You know I don’t have one of those. This is the cutest shit ever. Don’t think I’ll get used to this.”

“I swear if you keep making a big deal about it, I’ll throw it into the sea.”

Reba clutched the letter to her chest. “Uh-uh, no way. Not before I read it. But I do have a little bone to pick with you before I read this.” She pouted. “You let me miss your birthday, mister.”

He wondered who had spilled the beans to Reba. He’d gotten the usual messages from his family and co-workers, but it had been just another workday for him. “Uh, I’m not big on birthdays. So I didn’t say anything.”

“But I would’ve wanted to celebrate you properly. I give the best birthday lap dances.” Reba grinned.

Devon could picture it so clearly. “Maybe a late birthday gift wouldn’t be so bad.”

Reba winked. “Can be arranged. Now, let’s get back to this, shall we?” She unfolded the paper, eyes moving quickly over the words.

He had agonised over this one as he had the first and the others that followed, not wanting to create a pattern but purposefully choosing moments she wouldn’t expect it. He knew she appreciated it more then. He might not be able to say the words out loud yet, but he hoped the short letter was enough.

“The first time I saw you, I knew you’d be a problem for me,” she read. “I didn’t quite know just how much. I resisted every step along the way but…you’re a force. There was no way I wasn’t going to fall under your spell. I will try my best to convince you every day that I want all that you are. Even when we’re driving each other to possible murder. Just always remember that you are and will always be my beautiful chaos.”

She looked up at him, smile wide. “This is the corniest thing I’ve ever read, and I love it.”


“Oh, yeah. Did I tell you I’m getting a t-shirt made with ‘beautiful chaos’ on it too? I love that. Like I told you, no one’s ever described me like that before.” She stepped up to him. “I know you don’t really do PDA, but would it be okay if I kissed you now?”

They were off in their little corner of the yacht. “Yes.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I might be okay with this romantic shit after all.”

“Don’t expect declarations on a yacht all the time.”

Reba pouted. “Fine. Kiss me, Superman.”

And he did, long and slow and sweet. Reba, of course, turned it into something hotter.

“Did I mention I’m not wearing anything under this dress?”

“God, you’ll be the ruin of me,” he groaned.