“What the hell has gotten into you?” She breathed out as his hands travelled down to her waist.

“You. Kryptonite, remember.”

“Yes, yes, I know, but…shit. I like this Devon. A lot.”

He made his way over her ass, squeezing before giving her a pat and removing his hand. “I’ll need a minute before I can go back out there.”

She turned around, watching as he took several deep breaths. “What are you going to tell your brother when he asks about this?”

“Not a damn thing. There was a momentary dessert crisis that was solved.”

“None of that makes sense, but go ask him about the DJ. That’ll distract him.”

“The DJ?”

“He’s trying to take over because he thinks Flex is shitty.” She spread her arms wide. “I don’t even know what to say about that.”

“Alright. I’ll try that.”

“Save me a dance,” she said before he moved towards the door. “I need to work off some of this pent-up energy you created here.”

He gave her a small smile before shutting the door behind him. She would wait a bit before walking out, give herself some time to savour what had just happened. It felt like she had hallucinated the entire moment.

She smiled as her phone chirped from her pocket.

Ayo: Trina keeps pestering meeee. Insisting you’re hiding something from her??

Reba: Trina needs to chill

Ayo: how’s the party? How did he react to your outfit?

Reba: as expected ??

Which was an entire lie. Nothing Devon had done had been expected. She had gotten the reaction she wanted, but everything he’d done and said? She was shocked, thrown off by the intensity. Devon was definitely not someone who did anything in half-measures. He was an overachiever who didn’t like failure, and wasn’t she just reaping the benefits of that? Her heart was racing again, just thinking about how he almost had her ready to come with just a trail of his finger down her back.

Right now, she could definitely tell Trina she had won that bet. He still hadn’t outright said, “I want you.” But did it even matter at this point? His actions screamed it. Her phone chirped with a reply from Ayo.

Ayo: so does that mean you won the bet?

She didn’t respond. She needed to get back out there and get a drink. Her throat was too dry, and she had to channel this energy somewhere else before she locked herself in his bathroom and got herself off.

She opened the door, mind full of all the delicious things she could do to Devon once they got some alone time. She was busy picturing herself going down on him when she ran right into Cherisse.

“Oh, hey.”

“Hey, I came inside to look for a quiet place to return a call.” She waved the phone in her hand. “What’re you doing in here?”


“Nothing? You’re just chillin’ inside? Thought you’d be in the kitchen. Everything okay with the dessert emergency?”

“Yup. All good. Great.”

Cherisse pursed her lips. “I saw Devon heading back out. He looked a little…how should I say this? Pleased with himself.”

Reba pressed her lips together. She didn’t have to tell Cherisse everything about her personal life, even though their relationship went far beyond just that of employer and employee. But God, she wanted to.

“You know that man doesn’t like to fail at anything,” she said. “I guess he was glad we got the dessert situation sorted.”