“I can’t be held responsible for what I say when you walk in here in that dress.”

Oh, he thought he was so cute. “Touché, but grab the food and let’s go, then. I think you’d prefer the quiet of your home after this.”

She could see he was contemplating defying her, staying right there. But after a quick staring match—that he was obviously going to lose—he slowly began packing up his stuff. Reba knew he was trying to make her impatient. She wouldn’t lose her cool, though. She’d been telling him all along that he wouldn’t win, even if he tried her own tactics on her. Even if she wanted to have that body all to herself. She felt more than relaxed now and would take her panties when they got to his house and go.

The receptionist was also packing up her stuff when they exited. She looked at the bag of food hanging from Reba’s wrist.

“Leaving early,” she noted. “Good. He needs someone to drag him out of here at a reasonable hour.”

“Corinne. Can we keep the lectures to a minimum for tonight?” He had made an attempt to look more put-together before they’d left the office and buttoned up his shirt. Reba had the strongest urge to undo every single button.

Corinne continued to ignore Devon and prattle on about him taking better care of himself.

“I already have one mother. All of this isn’t necessary,” he grumbled.

“Well, stop acting like a child that can barely take care of themselves, and I’ll shut up,” she said, smiling at him as she finished up packing everything.

Reba didn’t bother to cover up her laugh. Devon, getting scolded right in front of her? Her night was officially made.

“I’ll do my best to make sure he doesn’t overdo it,” Reba promised.

Devon kept waiting on Corinne, even though he was obviously irritated by her chatter. The floor was a bit quieter now, and Reba appreciated that he wanted to make sure Corinne didn’t have to leave alone.

Devon stared at the elevator buttons the entire ride down, sighing every time Corinne launched into another thing that Devon should do to take better care of himself.

“I like her,” Reba said when they had escorted Corinne to her car, watching her drive off.

“Two peas in a fricking pod, the both of you. You’ll follow me?” he asked as soon as Corinne disappeared in her Mazda.


The drive gave Reba some time to decide on her next course of action. She’d bought the food, and she would eat it before she left. What happened after that was up in the air.

He watched her as she exited her car after parking behind him in his driveway.

“You came to my office with nothing on under there,” he said as if he still couldn’t believe it.

It made her smile. “Well, when I get my undies back, that’ll change, won’t it? I’m assuming you washed them.”

“Of course.”

“Then good.” She gestured up his front walk. “After you.”

He let them in the house. She settled onto the couch, placing the food on the table so she could take out the container. She’d ordered the same thing for both of them, hoping that he would actually be alright with it. Chicken and rice seemed like something most people would enjoy, so she had gone with that. She inhaled the delicious food smells. She’d get a head start on the meal while he retrieved her property.

She felt his eyes on her as she opened the container. “What?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.”

“Speak your mind.”

“You’re not going to wait for me to eat?”

She reached for the disposable fork in the pack and proceeded to open it. “Nope. The more time you waste here, the longer you’ll have to stand there and watch me eat.”

“You’re truly unbelievable.”

“Thank you,” she said, mouth full of fried rice. Oh yeah, this was good.