“You’re well aware how loud I can be. This is me keeping it down.” She ground against his fingers while trying to tug him closer with her leg. Devon groaned in response. “I want to feel more of you. Take off your pants.”


“But why?” she whined. Even now, he was resisting her? She was supposed to be getting her way, but he wasn’t cooperating.

He pulled back and rubbed his fingers against her again, slowly slipping one inside, pumping in and out. “You’ll take it the way I give it to you, and you’ll love it.” He pressed another finger into her, and she groaned, fucking herself on his fingers.

Okay, maybe having it exactly her way wasn’t important in this moment. She was out here getting fingerfucked on Devon’s desk, so she’d still won, hadn’t she? Proved her point that he could try to ignore her all he wanted, but it wouldn’t be a lasting occurrence.

It wasn’t long before Reba was coming apart around his fingers. He removed them, trailing his wet fingers across her lips. He didn’t have to say a word. She opened for him and sucked them inside. She swirled her tongue, eyes fixed on him, as her hands moved down to the front of his pants. She grasped him through the fabric, never letting up on the suction on his fingers.

His expression bordered on pain, eyes scrunched as she enjoyed the shape and feel of him in her hand. “Okay, enough.” He pulled away from her, fingers slipping out of her mouth, not allowing her to get him off.

She could pout about it some more, but if he wanted to deny himself, then he would be the one to suffer. “Fine. If you like to torture yourself.” She slid off his desk.

He had mentioned he didn’t usually bring a change of clothes, so coming in his pants might not be the best idea. He took several long inhales before moving around his desk to sit in his chair, using the wipes on his desk to clean his fingers, eyes dazed as if he couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to do that.

She slid into the chair across from him. “Feel better?”


“That’s because you won’t let me ride you in that nice chair of yours.”

“I had to talk to a team member about not letting his private shit interfere with work,” he said suddenly. “I hated every minute of it. After the meeting, he looked me dead in the eye and said, ‘She’s worth every bit of this shit.’” He shook his head. “I don’t get it. How could jeopardising your career be worth any of that?”

He’d gone from fingerbanging her to talking about work. Reba should feel some kind of way, but he’d never really spoken about his job with her. Not like this. Maybe it was his way of calming that erection down. She didn’t know, but she listened. “Everyone has different priorities.”

“No, he’s being selfish. His actions are affecting the project and the team as a whole. I don’t care what you do in your private life, but there’s got to be a line somewhere.”

“So that’s what’s been keeping you busy?”

“Yes. While trying to ensure our presentation gets done. We meet with the client next week.”

“I don’t care that you’re busy. Well, I still maintain you need a better work/play balance because right now, you’ve got none, but you didn’t have to give me a whole brush-off. Maybe I was a little hasty in my actions,” she muttered.

“Really? You’re admitting that?” He leaned forward, fingers steepled. “Do you understand now why waking up to you gone felt the same way? Like a brush-off?”

Not this again. And why the hell was she admitting to not thinking things through before she acted? It was the exact thing her parents had been harping on about for years. She ignored them because she didn’t think her spontaneous nature was some fatal flaw. The orgasm had scrambled her brain, apparently. She was talking nonsense.

“Forget I said that.”

“Oh, no. No way in hell am I letting this slide.”

“You just fingerfucked my brains out. I can’t be held accountable for anything I say in this current moment.”

His smug grin was not what she needed right now. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. He reached for the takeout container, opening one to take a sniff. The delicious scent of Chinese-style chicken and fried rice filled the office.

“Where’d you get the food?”

“Valpark Chinese Restaurant.”

“Good choice. We can eat now if you like.”

She folded her arms. Orgasm or not, she decided to not let him off the hook after all. “You didn’t even want me here, to begin with. What are you up to?”

“Nothing. You barged in here. May as well keep me company.”

“You said we would leave so I could get my panties,” she pointed out.