He sent off an email letting Vic know they needed to meet ASAP. This was the first step, and Dax would be looking at how he dealt with the situation. He was the Project Lead, after all. Even if he needed to liaise with HR on this, he couldn’t ignore it outright.

His phone buzzed as he was going over the proposed design they had so far.

Keiran: So what’s this I hear about you taking baking lessons??? Is this why you wanted to talk to Cherisse before we left???

Devon sighed. Keiran resurfacing from his combined work/vacation mode was not what he needed right now. Maxi had obviously told him. He didn’t bother to respond, leaving Keiran on read.

His phone buzzed again, and he considered tossing it in his drawer, but he knew some of his co-workers who were working on other projects off-site primarily used WhatsApp to communicate, which meant he couldn’t completely ignore his phone.

It wasn’t the work chat. It was Keiran, again. He’d sent a photo this time.

Keiran: this you bro???? wut really going on here??

Younger siblings were so damn annoying.

The photo was taken from last night at the park. Devon hadn’t willingly posed for any, but Maxi had still caught him in one, in the background of her selfie. Hell, there were probably more. He was just standing there in the back, not looking at the camera at all. It was way worse than that. He was looking at Reba, and…ugh, was he actually smiling? In the shot, she was looking up at him with a smirk. She had probably been saying something outrageous at the time. Who the hell knew? He couldn’t recall.

Parts of last night were a blur, while others were so vividly clear in his head. He had actually ridden a Ferris wheel. Willingly. Reba hadn’t made fun of him when she’d realised he’d rather be anywhere else. In fact, she had tried to soothe him in her own way. Her way being flirting, but he’d appreciated it. He should have probably told her so.

He stared at the photo again. Seriously, what had she been saying to make him smile like that?

Devon: I went to have a chat with Jeremy.

Keiran: Your friend Jeremy who you been blanking for months now? At an amusement park? That’s weird but ok, but I not talking ‘bout that tho. Are you smiling???? At Reba?

He’d attached a gif that looked like a shocked Pikachu.

Keiran: this whole thing is…weird. Maxi said Reba’s helping with whatever this baking thing is but ??

He wondered if it was too late to trade in his siblings for something that was of more use to him. Like a lifetime supply of frequent flier miles or something. He could travel to the countries on his bucket list, see their innovative buildings. Who needed a brother and sister anyways? Being an only child sounded great.

Devon: I do smile. Sometimes

Keiran: Not like that.

Devon: Is there a purpose to this? I’m working.

Keiran: me too actually. Just for a bit cuz Cherisse’s already giving me the look lol. But seriously I’m just playing with you.

Keiran: Unless there’s something you wanna talk about. I’m a good listener. I like Reba. She’s cool. Fun. All the things you aren’t. if some of that rubs off on you well…

Devon: No thanks.

Keiran: fine. be boring. on another note. This housewarming thing? I’m invited or what?

Devon: Are you even going to be here? I thought you weren’t.

Keiran: well we get in that same afternoon actually. Might be tired or might decide to storm your big bashment :P but who doing the music? Can’t have the people listening to a stale setlist.

Devon: There’s no bashment. It’s really mummy’s party so do what you want. I don’t know details. She and Reba are planning it.

He didn’t intend to get involved. Once his mother ensured his house was clean after, he didn’t care if Keiran wanted to show up. He planned to shut himself in his bedroom as much as he could. He was still fixing up the space he would use as his office, so he couldn’t actually work in it yet.

He’d make a brief appearance, then hopefully, everyone would be too caught up in the party vibes to wonder where he’d gone off to. At least that was his plan. Maxi and Keiran would try to corner him and ask questions. He just wanted everyone to stay out of his goddamn business, so the less visible he made himself on Saturday, the better.

He hadn’t lied when he’d said Reba was like a unicorn. He was out of his element here. He didn’t know what any of this was. Could barely articulate it to himself, far less to anyone else. It wasn’t that he couldn’t take picong from his family, he just didn’t want his personal business out there.

And things with Reba were very personal now. He wasn’t sure where they should go from here. She seemed quite fine continuing as they’d been, with a side of steamy sex thrown in.