Her phone buzzed with a message from the group chat. Trina had claimed she would drop by at some point to hang out. Ayo was busy with some family thing.

Trina: I here girl, where you???

Reba: over by the stall games. I’m the cutie in pink ??

Trina: like that’s helpful. What tall and sexy wearing? My hot guy radar is better ??

Reba: you know what? you a whole mess yes. I’m holding a big ass unicorn. You can’t miss me.

Trina: so why you can’t tell me what he wearing???

Reba: cuz it’s regular jeans and a t-shirt. My hair is pink. I’m dressed in pink. I have a giant unicorn. I’m a walking neon sign basically.

There was nothing regular about Devon’s jeans. Not when they fit his legs and ass like that. The t-shirt was a little snug too. Trina hadn’t lied. She could find a specific hot man in a crowd, but Reba was suddenly antsy about Trina joining the fray.

She could tell Trina she had basically already won, but she was hesitant for some reason. Which didn’t make sense, considering she loved winning.

Her phone buzzed with another message.

Trina: I see that cute ass so I found you. And I don’t mean yours. Damn what regular about them jeans??? If I didn’t have a man…

Reba rolled her eyes as Trina strolled up. Trina wasn’t getting rid of Aaron anytime soon. Those two couldn’t seem to quit each other, even through all their ups and downs.

“Told you my radar never fails.”

This time. she hoped her friend’s “I know you had sex” senses were shorted out because she didn’t want the mood to turn awkward. Teasing Devon had become her favourite pastime, but if all went well, maybe she could convince Devon to take her back to his place to help ease her little horny problem. She didn’t need Trina ruining her potential sexy plans. She loved her, but tact wasn’t something Trina understood or gave a damn about.

If Devon thought Reba just said whatever she thought, then he could be in for a rude awakening with Trina, who was currently blatantly checking Devon’s ass out. Reba had felt that ass with her bare hands, so she got it, but damn, Trina needed to tone it down.

Reba hooked her arm, drawing Trina to stand in front of the men. Yeah, she needed Trina to semi-behave so she could get that dick later.

Priorities and all that.