“They might already have. I’ll just tell them I was trying to calm you down.”

His hand was still wrapped around her hair, face still close to hers as their breaths mingled. She patted his chest. “Win me something from one of those stalls. Please,” she added as their seat got to the bottom.

“We’ll see.” He gave her hand one last squeeze as the attendant came over to help them out, and God, if they weren’t where they were, Reba would have dragged him to her and kissed him like she truly wanted to. Hard and dirty.

It didn’t get easier to not think about hauling Devon off into some dark corner when he did exactly what she wanted—win her a huge plush unicorn. He hadn’t taken his intense gaze off any of the clowns he had to shoot down. Reba had stood by watching, barely hanging on to her composure by a thread. There was just something so attractive about his focus and determination.

She was extremely horny for his competence. She couldn’t help her squeal when he got them all and pointed at the unicorn after he’d asked her which one she wanted.

“It suits you,” he told her as she pressed her face into the soft fabric.

His friend Jeremy, who she’d been introduced to briefly after they’d come off the Ferris wheel, had accompanied them to the stalls to try his hand at winning as well. He released a small snort, sharing a loaded look with Devon. Now, what was that about? The men didn’t enlighten her.

Had he shared what they’d done with Jeremy? That seemed unlikely, given how he’d reacted to her merely chatting with Maxi. He and Jeremy had just gotten back on a good footing. That friendship was shaky as shit. He wouldn’t have told Jeremy, and yet that sly grin said something was definitely up.

Mindful of his family next to them as they tried to play one of the games to win some toys, she kept her tone casual as she asked, “Why, cuz I’m a unicorn?”

“You very well might be.”

She had so many questions to that. Did he mean because he’d never met anyone like her? Or was he referring to how she affected him? Or both? She needed the words, even though, as she’d told Maxi, it was all just about business. She couldn’t help her curiosity, wanted to know what made a man like him tick. She knew she was definitely one of the things, given everything that had gone down last night, but there was so much that was still a mystery.

“Devon likes winning,” Jeremy said, mouth curved up in a small smile. “As long as I’ve known this guy, he refuses to lose at anything, but like I also told him, it’s okay to fail sometimes.” He gestured over to his wife and children. “I failed at resisting her so many times. And I’m glad for that.”

Reba liked this guy. He was obviously teasing Devon, who rolled his eyes and looked at another game. “Do you want another one?”

She shook her unicorn. “I’m good for now.” She tugged on Devon’s arm. “But before you go off to win again, I need to show you something I saw over there. Something I think you’ll like.”

She mustered up as much wide-eyed innocence as she could and gestured for him to follow her. She caught Jeremy’s grin and barely resisted winking back at him. The other Kings were so busy trying to win more games they didn’t notice. Devon, none the wiser, followed her all the way behind one of the tents.

“What do you want to show me?”

She hooked her arm around the unicorn, securing it at her side and ensuring it was out of her way. She hooked her other arm around Devon’s neck and brought him down so she could really see his reaction.

“You didn’t really bring me over here for this,” he said in disbelief.

“Mmm, yes.” She sucked on his bottom lip, basking in the way he closed his eyes and wrapped his arm around her waist despite his exasperated sigh. He could act all put off about this as much as he wanted, but he had to be as wound up as she was. “I need to thank you properly for my gift.”

“The gift you told me to win for you.”

“Grateful all the same. I’ll be quick. Promise.”

He tugged her closer, embracing the unicorn too, which made her giggle even as he tasted her, angling his head to slant his mouth over hers.

“I should have worn a jumper dress instead,” she murmured against him, rubbing her thighs together.

His hand dipped into the open sides of her jumper and rubbed at her exposed skin. At least she’d had the foresight to wear a crop top. It was a little chilly back here without the body heat from the crowd, but she didn’t mind. Devon was warming her right up as their tongues tangled, mimicking what she wished they could do. He tasted tangy like the tamarind ball he had munched on earlier. It mingled with the sugary aftertaste from the cotton candy she’d been sharing with Leah and Maxi. Spun sugar and tamarind would be an unusual taste otherwise, but it didn’t matter now, not when the wet heat of him was driving her completely wild.

His hand slipped up her waist and cupped her breast through her top. He slowly broke the kiss but didn’t stop touching her, looking down into her face with eyes ablaze. “We should get back.”

She sighed as her nipple plumped up beneath his touch. “I guess.” She rubbed her thumb over his bottom lip. “Lucky for you, Heart Breaker doesn’t transfer. To be continued.”

They returned as casually as they’d left, Maxi, Leah, and his mother none the wiser about their exit. They were still busy cheering each other on as Maxi tried to knock over all the bottles.

“Saw the thing you needed to see?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes.” Devon left it at that, and Reba didn’t bother to say a word.

Jeremy’s gummy smile said enough for all of them. Oh yeah, this guy was a keeper. She hoped Devon didn’t screw up their tentative friendship again. She wouldn’t mind hanging out with him another time. He seemed cool. Might be useful for some embarrassing stories about Devon when he was younger. She wondered how he and Devon had become friends in the first place.