“I don’t need to tell you something you’re already aware of.” He reached up to remove her hand from his chin. His other hand stayed clutching hers. “But if you need the words…”

“I do. I like hearing it.”

“This whole look is cute. And yet, somehow sexy at the same time? I don’t know how you do that. It drives me out of my mind.”

Well, well. She leaned in as much as she could, given the small space of the seat. “Good. You should be on your toes a couple times in your life. Gets the heart pumping. What else? Tell me more.”

His eyes dropped down to her mouth. “My heart’s already getting a workout from this damn contraption. What’s that colour called?”

“Heart Breaker.”

“Yeah, I can see how that’s fitting.”

“Why? Do you think I’ll break your heart?”

“Have to have one to break.”

“Please,” she scoffed. “You’re a softie who writes love letters.”

He closed his eyes, lightly thunking his head back against the seat. “It’s cruel to use that against me while up here.”

“Hey, I’m just stating a fact. Not making fun, and you chose to come on this.”

“I wasn’t thinking clearly.” He opened his eyes, turned his head in her direction. “This isn’t how I plan to die.”

“If your last sight gets to be my face, you’ll go a lucky man. Me being the last person you had sex with? Super bonus.”

That made his lips twitch, and Reba felt something warm bloom in her chest. A sense of accomplishment, probably. She was definitely winning at this game big time.

“You probably think I sound like a big baby, complaining about a ride even kids get on easily.” The tiny smile he’d allowed slipped away.

“Uh-uh, don’t put words in my mouth at all. I’m thinking no such thing. You think I don’t get afraid too?”

“What are you afraid of, then?”

Reba was okay being open about most things, but the first things on the tip of her tongue would ruin the mood.

That people will never take me seriously.

That no one will want me for anything other than a good time.

Who am I without all this colour to distract?

Eww, okay, no. Saying any of that didn’t sound cute or fun.

“Monochrome,” she replied flippantly.

“Taking shots at a man’s décor while he’s trapped on a wheel of hell. Nice.” Teasing. He was actually teasing her in his own way. It also didn’t go unnoticed that he was looking at her lips again.

Heart Breaker was a fave because it had some serious staying power. She could fully ravage Devon in this seat, and the lipstick would go nowhere. She wondered if he wanted to test that theory? He did enjoy logic-ing things to death. She could make it fun, at least.

The wheel started up again, and he kept staring at her. She flicked her tongue out, licking her bottom lip. His eyes followed the motion. The next time they stopped, she took matters into her own hands, literally, releasing his hand so she could cup his cheeks before leaning in, giving him time to object. They weren’t as high up as before; someone on the ground might be able to identify them. He didn’t remove her hand this time, so she planted a soft kiss on his mouth.

He wrapped his hand in her ponytail as if trying to anchor himself. She sipped at his lips, enjoying the tentative flick of his tongue against hers.

“We’re almost at the bottom,” she warned against his mouth.

“Right, my family could see. Anyone could see.” He didn’t pull back. Did he expect her to be the voice of reason? He should know her better than that by now.