“A client gave two tickets as a thank you, but Cherisse is obviously not here. This is Devon’s thing, you know, architecture and stuff, so here we are.”

“Uh-huh.” Remi didn’t look satisfied with Reba’s response. She reached past Reba to tap Devon on the shoulder. “Well, hi there.”

He looked from Reba to Remi, then down at the camera in her hands. “Of course.” He said it like he had expected something like this when Reba couldn’t fathom how.

“Fancy seeing you two here. At an event. Together. Didn’t have that on my bingo card, but here we are indeed.” She smirked, waving her camera. “Photo to capture this momentous occasion?”

Devon’s forehead creased. “No.”

Reba could see the wheels in Remi’s head turning, which meant she had to take front on this before Remi jumped to the wrong conclusion. “Hey, lemme just talk to you a sec. I need a drink too. You want anything?” she asked Devon.

“I’m good.”

“Awesome.” She linked arms with Remi, shot Devon a thumbs up, and dragged her over to one of the servers.

“Is something going on with you two?” Remi asked as soon as they were out of Devon’s earshot. “As wild as that seems, I know people just fall at your feet. Even grumps like Devon may not be susceptible.”

“If I didn’t know you were pining over someone else, I’d totally kiss you for that compliment, but it’s not what it looks like.”

Remi shook her head. “Don’t get me started on that, okay? We’re focusing on you. You’re both here looking sexy as shit. What is going on?”

Reba sipped from the glass she had taken off the tray. “Okay, look. He didn’t want anyone to know, so don’t tell Cherisse cuz then Keiran would know.”

“This isn’t making me think that nothing is going on.”

“I’m helping him out with something baking-related, and he’d rather his family not know, for reasons. Which means you can take all the pics of me you want. Or him if he allows it, but not us together.”

“You’re helping him with baking? None of that is adding up. Like, why does he even need baking help?”

“Don’t ask. Just take a cute pic of me with this drink and leave it be. Or we could talk about your lil’ King-sized problem that you haven’t provided us with an update on lately?”

Remi shot Reba a look that screamed, ‘I think the fuck not.’ “Alright, I’ll leave it for now. Won’t say anything to Cherisse. She should be too busy getting a good workout with Keiran to care anyways.”

Remi took her photo and sailed away to continue getting shots of the other guests. Devon’s jaw was working overtime when she returned.

“Crisis averted. Remi won’t mention us being here together. I still maintain you should mention this to your fam, so it doesn’t come across as some weird secret you’ve been harbouring, but whatever floats your boat.”

“This damn island is too small,” he grumbled.

“I can go distract her some more with my ass and cleavage if you want. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” She grinned as Devon’s expression turned sourer. “Hey, c’mon. She’s not going to say anything. Don’t get all grouchy now. You should go chat with another building enthusiast to feel better.”

“You really think you can flirt your way through any situation, don’t you?”

She tugged on his blazer, enjoying his little nostril flare. “Yes.”

“Was I boring you earlier?” he asked out of the blue, probably to change the topic and bring them back to safer territory. “You said I should go find someone to talk to about this.”

“Nah, but I can’t appreciate what you’re talking about as much as someone else who knows this stuff can.”

“We came together. It would be rude to just leave you alone.”

Reba patted his arm. “I’m fully an extrovert. I’ll be fine.”

“I won’t. I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be separated.”

“This is your scene. You don’t have to worry about conversation.” She gave him a thumbs up. “You got this.”

Reba thrived in situations like this. It was easy for her to befriend anyone. It didn’t matter who they were. She would eventually have them eating out of her hands. This crowd, in particular, would be fun to tame. She’d noticed enough designer items worn by the guests to discern that she wasn’t exactly fitting in. Fine by her.