
[Wednesday 3:24 p.m.]

Devon: Just checking you got to your shoot safe and sound

Reba: Yes, would you like proof of life? This one isn’t too racy *photo attached*

Devon: Your reply would have sufficed. The photo wasn’t necessary. You’re in a robe.

Reba: I said it wasn’t racy. Nothing on under it tho :P how do I look?

Devon: You look fine.

Reba: whoa whoa whoa easy on the compliments there buddy. A girl can get a big head from all of that. Look closer. I’m wearing the glow product, can you tell?

Devon: You do look a lot more glowy, yes. So it does what it’s supposed to.

Reba: sure does. the entire effect is stunning ?? Anyhoo they’re calling me. Time to shimmy outta this. Bye

[Thursday, 10:33 p.m.]

Devon: Do you have a preference on the cupcakes?

Reba: do you know what time it is??

Devon: Sorry. I’m up working. Didn’t realise it was so late.

Reba: of course you’re working. Go to sleep!

Devon: In an hour maybe

Reba: so…what you wearing?

Devon: Goodbye Reba

Reba: *pouts* you messaged me at this ungodly hour. I need my beauty rest you know. I almost thought it was an earlyish booty call for a sec there.

Devon: It’s not that late. How was the shoot?

Reba: you’re really invested in this huh? tell ya Saturday :P goodnight

[Friday 6:15 p.m.]

Devon: I hope these are to your liking

Reba: oooh not bad. The frosting looks on point too. And it’s pink! Ttyl later tho. My girlies and I are up to no good right now.

[Saturday 6:54 a.m.]

Cherisse: You went to JB’s? and whose hand is that across from you ma’am???

Reba: oh I didn’t realise it was in the shot. No one to be concerned about

Cherisse: hmm

Reba: just go love off on your man and don’t study it

Cherisse: you sent me this pic