Dax knocked, and when Devon’s gloriously deep voice told him to enter, Reba bit her lip to keep her laugh in. She couldn’t wait to see his face.

“Well, look what lovely surprise I found in our lobby,” Dax said.

Devon looked up as Reba stepped from behind Dax. He blinked once, twice, three times, and Reba bit her lip harder. This was going to be so much fun. She generally tried to enjoy her day no matter what she was doing, but there was just something about shaking up Devon’s day that gave her immense pleasure. Perhaps she was wrong for that. Not that she cared one bit.

His brow furrowed. “What’s going on?”

“This young lady has come to take you to lunch, so I wouldn’t keep her waiting if I were you.”

“Lunch? I wasn’t planning to…”

Dax waved him off. “I know you skip it sometimes then eat at ridiculous hours, and I’m usually not here to tell a grown man what to do, but now I’m making an exception. She came all this way to surprise you. Go eat. Enjoy the time away from your desk. Come check me after.”

Devon gaped as Dax left, closing the door behind him.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Reba pointed at herself. “This is how you can make it up to me. By taking me to lunch.”

“He said you came to take me to lunch.”

“I had to say something. I didn’t think telling him that you needed to apologise was the way to go, so…” She pulled out the chair opposite him and made herself comfortable. She would stay here all day if she needed to.

“I…” He scrubbed his hand over his face. “What about dinner instead? There’s so much I need to do. Lunch isn’t really feasible at the moment.”

Devon would learn just how stubborn Reba could be when she wanted something. “Nope. It has to be lunch.” She tugged at the clingy material of her dress. “I wore this to be seen in the bright light of day. Besides, Dax already said it’s fine.” She snapped her fingers. “Come on, let’s get going. I’m hungry.”

He pursed his lips, and Reba couldn’t hold back her laughter anymore. “Pouting again? How cute.”

He gave her a hard stare before sighing and rising to his feet. She kept her eyes on him as he walked around the desk to stand next to her. She didn’t move from the seat, enjoying the way he couldn’t contain his frustration as he looked down at her.

Devon in his work suit was a delicious sight. She had seen him in a suit at Ava’s wedding, and yet him dressed like this in his perfectly organised office was giving her ideas. Reba wanted to tug on that tie and bring his face oh so close to hers just to see his reaction. Instead, she decided to let him squirm.

Not that she could ever imagine Devon squirming about anything. He would frown just like he was doing now.

“Whatever you’re thinking of doing, don’t.”

She turned to him, propping her elbows on the arm of the chair and clasping her hands together. “What do you think I’m thinking?”

“Nothing that bodes well for me.”

“Not true. It would end very well for you, I promise.”

Devon shook his head, patted at his pockets, and moved away from her. “I’m getting my wallet. Let’s just go. Do you have somewhere in mind?”

“It’s a little unknown place that’s not too far away from here.”

He paused at his desk. “What’s the name?”

“You definitely don’t know it.” Few people did. Since it was a far cry from the type of scene Devon would be into, telling him the name wouldn’t make a difference. She also enjoyed frustrating him, especially since she wasn’t totally pleased with him at the moment.

His brow winged up, and just as she expected, his eyes reflected wariness.

“Where are we going, Reba?”

She wagged her finger. “It’s a surprise. Just trust me, okay?”

“So I’m just supposed to allow you to get some kind of revenge on me?”