
It had beenthree days since her Sunday baking session with Devon, and Reba was still annoyed. She was going to do something reckless; she felt it in her bones. Devon King didn’t get to act as if she couldn’t possibly understand a corporate setting.

His careless statement had made her flashback to the douchebags she had worked with previously, and her anger was bubbling, even all these days later.

Why? It didn’t make sense. Those men had never been worth her getting worked up over, and she was tossing Devon into that category for the moment. What bugged her the most was that she hadn’t anticipated such a reply from him. He claimed he hadn’t meant it like that, and while she believed him, the fact that he had gone there riled her up.

Fuck him.

She felt like texting him those exact words. Fuck. You. But common sense prevailed a bit. She could continue to be annoyed and still take his money. Yeah, that would serve his ass right.

Her phone rang, and like he knew she was plotting some unreasonable revenge, his handsome face popped up. She ignored it only for their chat to pling. He had actually messaged her first.

Devon: Are you just going to ignore me forever?

Devon: Ok that wasn’t…I’m sorry, ignore that message. You can be as upset as you want. That’s fair.

Devon: Does this mean our working relationship is over too?

Reba rolled her eyes. This man, seriously. Another notification popped up on her phone, and Reba smiled, brain whirring. If he wanted to make it up to her, she definitely knew a way. He would hate it. Reba smiled wider. She didn’t care what resistance he would put up.

After a quick shower and using Google Maps for directions to Dax Designs, Reba felt much better—couldn’t help humming all the way to his office. She waited until she had strolled into the building, told the ground floor receptionist who she was here to see, and entered the elevator before she replied to his message.

Reba: oh you’re not getting rid of me that easily just FYI.

Devon: Thank you.

Reba: you can say that and grovel to my face.

Devon: Fine. I’ll grovel all you want on Saturday.

Reba grinned as she typed.

Reba: sooner than that.

She tucked her phone away, not reading whatever reply he sent back. Let him wonder what she meant.

As if everything was falling into place for her little plan, the first person she saw when she exited the elevator was the boss himself.

Dax’s grin was wide and friendly when he looked up from his phone and spotted her. “Reba! What a surprise.”

“It is! I came to whisk your best worker away for lunch.”

“Really?” Reba had definitely read Devon’s workaholic ass right; Dax’s reaction spoke volumes. “That’s good. He barely takes his lunch sometimes.”

“Ah, so I have your blessing to steal away with him for an hour or two?”

“Most definitely! He won’t like it, though.”

Reba grinned. Oh, she really liked this guy. “I’m good at convincing people to do what I want.”

Dax chuckled. “I bet.”

“This is actually my first time here, so if you can tell me where his office is?”

“I’ll take you.”

Reba tried to dial down her smile to less triumphant, but she didn’t quite succeed. Everything lining up perfectly in this moment was making her too happy to suppress. She had been ready to use all her charm to get Devon to follow her out of here, but with Dax in her corner, he would definitely do it. He obviously respected his boss.