“No. It’s on me. I know better.”

Reba’s brow went up. “Because I’m a loose cannon and can’t be trusted to keep us on track? Which, okay, fair, but don’t beat yourself up because you enjoyed it.”

“We need to stick to the basic plan and not play these games. They’re pointless.”

“Full offense, but fuck your basic ass plan.”

Devon sighed. “Reba.”

“Okay, fine, sorry. That was a bit much. Look, I just…” She stopped swaying but didn’t move from her side of the room, thank God. “Is it so bad if you have a little teeny bit of fun in my presence? You won’t die.”

“I don’t want to have fun with you. I just want you to help me win this damn thing, so Dax can see I’m making an effort, and I get the promotion I deserve. Quite frankly, it’s bullshit that I even have to do any of this because being good at my job isn’t enough, apparently. Making partner would mean I have even less time for these foolish after-work activities, so none of this makes sense, but here we fucking are.”

Reba folded her arms. “You done?”

He hadn’t meant to unload any of that on her, but the entire situation was frustrating. Which wasn’t her fault. “Sorry, yes. I’m done.”

“Now that you got that off your chest. You’re free to sever this partnership if you wish, but I guarantee you won’t win.”

“You’re so sure you can get me this win?”

Reba nodded. “Yup.”

“And if I lose, then what?”

“Then you lose, but you made an effort, and your boss will notice. You just have to keep making little efforts here and there.”

“Because you’re so well-versed in the corporate world?”

Reba’s smile slipped. “Don’t ever fucking imply I’m not smart enough to understand a corporate environment.”

Shit, he hadn’t meant to do that at all. “Wait, hold on. I didn’t mean…”

She waved at the oven. “Check your damn cupcakes.”

The cupcakes seemed fine, but Devon was a little concerned as Reba watched him place them on the counter to cool. He had upset her, which, regardless of it not being his intention, had happened. Her warm flirty demeanour had been replaced by silence. She was looking at her phone without saying anything.

“Reba, can you look at me, please?”

She looked up, expression unchanging. “How can I help you?”

“I never meant to make it sound like I was questioning your intelligence. I’m sorry.”

“You know, I’ve been an assistant for men who don’t see me as a person because of my title. To them, my opinions didn’t matter cuz I don’t have some fancy degree. Corporate life isn’t for me. Doesn’t mean I don’t have a clue how it works. I know all too well and wouldn’t want to put myself there again for any reason. That’s it.” She gestured to the piping bag and nozzles. “Get started.”

She was done with him and this discussion, which he should be grateful for. Although, he didn’t want to continue feeling like he’d kicked a puppy that was just trying to be friendly with him.

He gave her one last look and considered trying to talk to her again, but she had gone back to her phone.

Okay, so maybe he shouldn’t dwell on this, just enjoy the fact that she wasn’t distracting him with flirty banter. He looked away from her lips—that were definitely pursed this time—and got back to the mission at hand.