Yes, she had a slight hang-up about dealing with men who saw her as this fun time girl but didn’t think she was the girl they would wife up unless she literally became someone else. But she wasn’t about to go on some revenge kick. With Devon no less? The man didn’t even want her in his space, far less for sex.

“Sorry,” Ayo said.

“Nah, it’s fine.” Reba drained the rest of her drink like a shot. “But you’re wrong. I’m not going to go off the rails or anything. Plus, Devon doesn’t have to worry about me, at least not in that regard. He doesn’t even want me around. This is an act of desperation on his part, and I’m just using it to inject some fun into his life.”

Trina bit into a piece of bacon. “But why? Why do you care what he does or doesn’t do?”

It was a sensible question. There was just something about Devon that made her want to push his buttons. From the moment he had ignored her at the wedding—or tried to—she had been making it her mission to get a reaction out of him, and she wasn’t entirely sure why.

Could be because his stoicism offended her fun-loving nature. Either way, he had opened the door for her to get him over to the light side, where there were good times.

Reba shrugged. “He’s a challenge, but I’m not gonna go overboard. Promise.”

“Just seduce him while you’re at it,” Trina suggested. “Or maybe you don’t think you can, since he’s such a challenge and all.”

“Is that a dare?” Trina had to be joking. Why was her friend acting as if she didn’t know how Reba did?

Devon may be different than the guys she was used to dealing with, but Reba was good at getting what she wanted. If Devon wanted to be seduced, she was on board for that. He wasn’t totally immune to her, whether he wanted to admit that to himself or not. He had reacted to her in her dress last night. He hadn’t been quick enough to hide that minute movement of his jaw. Even if nothing came of it, flirting with Devon was amusing, and Reba was just getting started.

Trina smirked. “Sure, why not?”

Ayo looked between them. “Uh-oh. Don’t throw out bets all willy-nilly like that. You know how she gets.”

Reba reached out and shook Trina’s hand, ignoring Ayo’s concerned look. “Deal.”

“Wait, so you seduce him, then what?” Ayo asked. “And what exactly does ‘seduce’ mean here? Just getting him to admit he wants you? Or full-on sex?”

Reba shrugged. “I think the falling under my spell and him admitting it out loud is enough. If sex happens, well…extra bonus. As for after, I dunno. I keep enjoying the fruits of my labour if he wants to. It’s a go with the flow kinda situation, yeah?”

Ayo shook her head. “How do you even prove you won?”

“We can trust her word, can’t we? Reba isn’t a liar.” Trina finished off her bacon. “You get him to admit he wants you, and dinner’s on me at any place of your choosing.”

“And if I lose?” Reba asked, even though she was confident she was getting that free dinner.

Trina rubbed her chin. “Spa day treat, at that place Cherisse and they were gifted by Ava and her rich ass husband.”

“Okay.” She didn’t have a member’s pass to the spa, and even a day pass would probably cost a lot, but she was so sure she was winning this.

“This is gonna bite you in the ass,” Ayo mumbled.

“All this negativity isn’t needed.” Reba pushed the wine over to Ayo. “Shush and have another mimosa.”

Ayo pursed her lips but twisted the nozzle on the bag that was in the box, adding some of the liquid goodness to her juice.

Reba’s phone started playing, “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” and she couldn’t help her laugh. She waved her phone at Ayo and Trina. “His ears must have been burning.” She swiped to take the call. “Hello, you’ve reached the desk of the one and only sexy Reba Johnson, how may I help you?”

“So phone etiquette has just completely gone out the window, I suppose?”

“I’m in the middle of day drinking. Is there a reason for this call? I have enough time to sober up before we meet later so you can save whatever lecture you’ve got planned.”

She could picture him rolling his eyes, and he graced her with one of his signature sighs. “I’m calling to say we’ll have to push it to much later than we agreed on. My mother has suddenly seen it fit to just let me know that one of my aunts from abroad who we haven’t seen in ages is here. She’s coming over to see us, and it would be rude if I didn’t stick around to say hello.”

“Oh. You didn’t tell your fam you had plans already?”

“No. I haven’t mentioned that at all.”

Clearly, he was still inclined not to. Reba didn’t see the big deal about letting his family know what he was up to, but she supposed that was his business.