She stepped back. “Okay, cool. I’m going now.”

“Bye, Reba.”

He watched her walk down the driveway and get into her car. He shook his head as he closed the door. The throbbing in his chest was really inconvenient, but what could he do? Love didn’t really give a shit, and…fuck.

Had he just really thought that?

No, it was too soon for all of that, wasn’t it? And yet, he had been ignoring all the signs. It had been so long since he’d had to even consider such an emotion. Clearly, he was rusty.

He rubbed at his chest. Where had he left his phone? Shit. He found it on the table, sent a quick message to Jeremey.

Devon: I think I’m in trouble

Jeremy: What’s going on?

Devon: Did you know I was in love woth Reba?

Jeremy: a typo. Ok you are definitely in crisis.

Devon: with* fuck just tell me Jeremy!

Jeremy: um yes, it was sort of obvious to me. You just realised this?

Devon: YES

Jeremy: ok now we got caps. This shit is serious. Take a couple deep breaths. You said you wanted to be with her. How could you not connect the two?


Jeremy: bro you are seriously a mess of a person without me.

Devon: Yes I am. I won’t ever take you for granted again. She doesn’t know how she feels. What do I do?

Jeremy: give her time and DON’T try to control the situation cuz you can’t. just get some rest. I need to go seduce wifey since te kiddies are asleep. Bowchickawowow ??

Devon: the*

Jeremy: correct my typos all you want. You’re the hopeless fool falling in love so…good night!

Devon sat down hard on the couch. Of course, Jeremy was right. He couldn’t force the situation in the direction he wanted. Reba needed time; he would accept that. He simply wouldn’t think about what would happen if she did an analysis on him and found she didn’t want him after all.

Devon triedto go light on the wooing for the rest of their sessions. He didn’t want Reba to think he was going against her wishes, not giving her time to think, but he couldn’t help how he acted. When he felt like this…love love love love…he couldn’t help but show it with little actions.

He felt like his eyes were full of hearts when she started swaying to one of the songs he had on by a favourite singer, Etta James.

“I don’t know who this is, but loving the vibe,” Reba said, dancing with an imaginary partner while he poured the batter in the square pans. He was getting no help from Reba this time because it would be all on him on bake-off day.

He slid the pans in the oven, closing the oven door just in time to catch her hand to twirl her into him.

“Uh, hi?”

“Hi.” She didn’t pull out of his gentle hold and placed her hand on his shoulder, keeping the other clasped in his as they swayed.

“This is wooing,” she accused even as she danced with him.

“Is it? Two bodies moving in sync does not wooing make.”

“Don’t try to logic at me right now.”