“Come get me? I’ll send the address, need a rescue ASAP.”

“You okay?” he asked again because Scott was a sweetheart.

She laughed even though she didn’t feel like it. “Honestly? I don’t think so. Also, a little high on homemade wine. Please save me before I do something rash. Well, more rash. Rasher? Whatever. Moscato and that wine was not my best idea, let me tell you.”

“Okay, be there in a few. Hang on, alright?”

She would try. Her hand hovered over her phone. She was tempted to send an SOS to Ayo because her mind was fuzzy and whirling all over the place with the sudden attack of what felt like jealousy, but it totally couldn’t be that, could it? She didn’t do that. Devon was just another hook-up. The weird flipping feeling in her stomach was because she had overdone it on the drinking. Yup. Totally made sense.

Yeah, now wasn’t the time for her to try to make rational decisions or message anyone. She placed her phone on her bag. At least no one was approaching her over here as she waited, but all that could change so quickly.

Devon’s housing development was in the Trincity area, not that far away from where Scott lived in Tunapuna, but the Independence long weekend meant people were out and about. That could delay him some. It was probably best she wait out front for him. Less chance of her making a fool of herself in front of Devon’s family or other guests.

She casually tried to disappear to the front of the building to wait for Scott, was so close to reaching the driveway when she heard her name being called. Damn, she was getting some shitty luck tonight.

She didn’t stop, just kept walking as if she hadn’t heard him.

“Where’re you going?” Devon asked, falling in step with her.


“What? Just like that?”


“Wait, hold on.” Hand light on her shoulder, she stopped to look at him.

“You send me some strange text, then you’re leaving? How the hell do you even know who Joya is?”

“Because my hearing is superb. She seems nice, not given to doing random weird stuff. Just your type, right?” Okay, she needed to stop. “Doesn’t matter. I’m tired and ready to leave, so bye.”

“I can drive you home.”

“Not necessary. I called a ride already. You’re free to do whatever without worrying about me.” She waved towards the backyard, where Flex was pumping out some vintage calypso music for the older guests. “I’m cool. We’re cool. So, do your thing.”

“Reba, what is going on?”

She didn’t want to get into this. Mainly because she didn’t know why she was being like this. The wine coursing through her system didn’t help, either. It was better for both of them that she went home, slept this off, and…yeah, she’d figure out the rest in the morning.

She patted his chest. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be all torn up about any of this. You can have the one that got away. You’re free. We bake, get you the win, then you can ride off into the sunset with little Ms. Perfect.”

Devon frowned down at her. “I don’t understand.”

“Well, you and me both, buddy!” She shook her head. “I think I had too much to drink.” She definitely had gone overboard, which ordinarily she wouldn’t care about. She was the life of the party when tipsy, but somehow she had turned into this passive-aggressive, slightly sulky version of herself.

A horn honked behind her, and thank you, Jesus, she could get the hell out of here before she embarrassed herself further. Talk about being messy in the most un-fun way possible.

“Scott’s here. I’ll text you about my car. Bye.”


“Nope, can’t talk. Must go.”

She slid into Scott’s car, refusing to look back at Devon.

“You good?” Scott asked.

She didn’t look at him either. “I just want to go home before I get even messier.” She glanced his way. Scott was looking his effortlessly naturally gorgeous self, as usual, dark brown skin popping in the bit of glow the streetlight provided. Unfair. “Why are you always so damn pretty no matter what time of day it is?”

Scott shrugged. “The Trim genes are pretty magical, but let’s focus a bit. Devon King?” he asked, brow raised. “That’s a handsome ass mess you got there.”

“Can we go, please?” He was trying to cheer her up by teasing. She appreciated the effort, but the longer they stayed here, the more afraid she was that she would do something ridiculous like cry, which eww, no. She was too cute to be doing any of that.

“Alright, I got you. You know that.”

“Thanks.” She peeked out the window, and the damn man was still standing there looking like a whole confused sexy meal with that frown.

She looked away, closing her eyes as she pressed her head back against the seat. She breathed a small sigh of relief when Scott drove off. She didn’t want to think about anything she had said or done tonight.

All of that noise was a problem for future Reba.