Propriety and social standing be damned – Amelia stepped forward and hugged him.
Armored, helmeted, and cloaked, with her mother, maid, generals, and armorer following, she crossed the lawn to where Alpha waited, surrounded now by his four females, all of them snuffling inquisitively at his tack.
“Well, ladies? Do you approve?” she called as she approached.
Five tapered, horned heads turned her way, red-gold eyes gleaming like jewels in the pale winter sun. Two of the girls trilled a birdlike greeting, and Alpha purred, low and rumbling, a vibration up through the soles of her boots. Her mind was awash with a new five-way welcome, all of their personalities distinct voices through the bond – overwhelmingly so. She pushed affection back through, still not able to respond individually other than to Alpha – her connection with him was strongest. He was the leader of his pack, the loudest, and most assertive. He was the first to reach out to her – the one to save her, that horrid night outside the Inglewood manor house.
She walked into their midst, stroking noses, and long, scaled necks, no longer even a little hesitant in their presence. It was a trust that had built quickly, right at the start, mutual and uncomplicated.
She just had to master the communication part.
Starting now.
She reached Alpha and rested a gloved hand on his shoulder, feeling the relaxed, dense muscle beneath; she still marveled at the strength of the animals. Horses were strong, stronger than any man in existence…but the drakes were a kind of strong she’d only ever associated with fairy tale creatures: giants, and ogres, and trolls. Or the elephants of old, brought from faraway lands.
And she was about to climb aboard one.
No, not one, she scolded herself. Yours. Alpha. Every bit as much your friend as Shadow. An important thing to remember, now that the moment had arrived, and the first threat of nerves stirred in the pit of her stomach.
Will you let me up? she asked him, through their bond. Will you take me flying?
He didn’t ever respond to her in distinct words. She wasn’t sure he understood her language, only her intentions and emotions. Either way, she felt a strong yes from him. An agreement, a willingness, a promise of cooperation.
Now came the hard part. I need three of them to stay, to protect my people. To travel with them through the wood when they come to join us. Can you ask them to? Can you command them to?
Another affirmation.
But Amelia thought it would be polite to ask herself, as well.
She turned to face the females, standing in a half-circle behind her, heads cocked to one direction or the other, inquisitive. The largest, the one she’d begun to think of as Adira, lowered her neck and crooned a distressed sound. They already knew.
Guilt swelled in Amelia’s chest. Oh, girls, I know, I know. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t ask it if I didn’t think it important. You won’t be separated for long.
The bond filled with objection, and with sadness.
But what of the rest of our pack? Our people? She waved toward the manor, and sleek heads turned. Who will protect them while I’m away?
Alpha started purring again, a deep, reassuring sound that left her eyelids flagging, briefly. A true alpha male soothing his females, urging them toward cooperation.
There was a drake back-and-forth, then, growls and trills and squawks. Amelia closed her eyes against the rush of emotions that shivered down the bond.
Finally, it all subsided, five drake voices purring in harmony.
Yes, she felt. Yes, we will listen. We will protect. Or, well, the dragon emotional equivalent of such a statement.
She cracked her eyes open, a touch dizzy from the onslaught of secondhand sentiment, and saw that their human audience had backed up against the outer wall of the conservatory amidst all the drake noisemaking.
Adira stepped forward and asked for a head scratch, and Amelia knew that all was forgiven and accepted. She, Valencia, and Lancet would stay behind, she’d decided, and the boisterous Marigold would come along with Alpha and her.
Be very watchful over my stupid men, she thought, and Adira’s eyes slitted, lips peeling back off her fangs in what could only be described as a draconian smile.
Alpha nudged her shoulder from behind. Time to go.
“Amelia.” Katherine walked bravely forward, and the drakes shuffled aside to let her through. All of them sensed that touching the duchess was not something they ought to do. She walked up to Amelia, not flinching away from Adira and Alpha, standing so very close, and took both of Amelia’s black-gloved hands into her own. The contrast between Katherine’s soft, smooth, ringed fingers against Amelia’s black leather and spike-backed gloves shocked her, and sent a fresh crackle of nervousness through her.
Katherine’s next breath hitched, though she offered a tremulous smile. “My brave girl. I won’t say this duchy – perhaps even this kingdom – doesn’t need you. They do. But please be careful.”