Page 73 of Demon of the Dead

Danski, Darri, and Einrih went properly red-faced, though they didn’t shrink back from the blistering look he tossed them.

Mattias he couldn’t see, because Klemens still stood between them, and he was unmoved by Náli’s tantrum – yes, he could admit it was a tantrum; or, at least, he would be able to, later, once his blood had stopped boiling.

“Though if any of you had bothered to ask why I might come down here, alone save for the company of my drake – who is infinitely wiser than you lot, I can tell you – when you know how much I loathe this fucking place, you might have discovered that I had good reason to do so. You might have learned, as I was about to before you played bloody hero, that my life doesn’t have to be the miserable, sodding wreck it has always been. That I might be able to change things.”

He picked up his robe, shook it out, and donned it, grateful that he managed the ties on the first try, despite the anger shaking through his limbs.

“Why did you come, my lord?” Einrih asked, quietly.

“That’s an excellent question,” Náli snapped. He whirled, and marched toward the staircase, shoulders back and chin lifted.

Behind him, Valgrind bleated a worried sound.

His Guard made no sound at all.