I pull out my phone and text Kaleb.
I don't have access to the damned things, I didn't want it. A minute later he comes through Jasper's door and sits down on the other side of the bed. “I don't think you should see these, angel. I think they'll hurt you more than I can take,” his deep voice is trying to sound comforting, but Jasper isn't having it.
“Just show me the fucking pictures, Kaleb,” he snips. Kaleb closes his eyes for a moment and takes a couple breaths. Then he pulls up the email and holds the phone out to Jasper, when he sees it his pale face slowly draws up into a snarl.
“I don't see a threat here, just someone trying to be spiteful,” he hisses.
Kaleb shakes his head, “That's not the threat, that's the first set I was sent. Here's the threat,” he says and takes back his phone to pull up the text.
This time when Jasper sees the pictures his breath catches in his chest and when he reads the accompanying threat he starts a broken, stuttering growl. “Do they actually think any of you would allow them close enough to touch me? Do you all doubt yourselves so much?”
He swipes back to the picture of Talia tied down on the table then looks back at me, “You can't find who sent this?”
“It came from a burner phone. I can't get past that number, I can't find a source.” Kaleb takes his phone back from Jasper and says, “That's why I'm going to talk to Seth tonight. He'll know something, even if he isn't the one who sent them.”
Jasper quiets and nods, “Either way, he did that to her. Bring him back here so I can kill him.”
Then he burrows back into his blankets. He means it, I know he does, and I'm forced to remember that Jasper isn't like every other omega I've met. He can be soft for us, he can be sweet for us, he can even be tame for us; but not for anyone else.
The first time I saw Jasper outside of a registry outing was at a gym where he was doing combat training. It was all I could do to sit back and watch him take on two betas, each twice his size, but his trainer shot me a look that told me to sit the fuck down and watch.
I sat there on those bleachers and watched Jasper completely decimate those betas in under a minute; and when I asked a few of the other trainers at the gym about him they all told me Jasper wasn't a weak omega, they said he was dangerous. They were all too happy to share stories of Jasper's combat abilities, I think in the hope that I and my pack might lose interest in him. Most alphas want submissive, simpering omegas they can spoil and crank out babies with and Jasper isn't that. His skills and mean streak only made us want him more.
Kaleb and I leave him in his blankets and go to find Devon and Trent in the garage.
“Nathan got Jasper to eat,” Kaleb tells them and I see relief wash over them.
“Good,” Devon breathes, “Good.”
Then Kaleb breaks the news that we showed Jasper the pictures and text.
“How did he take it?” Trent asks.
“He asked me to bring Seth here so he could kill him, so I'd say he took it well enough,” is Kaleb's flat reply.
Trent smiles, “I'll come with you. I'd love to watch Jasper kill that piece of shit. When do we leave?”
Devon huffs, “Nobody is bringing Seth here, and Jasper isn't killing anyone. Kaleb is going to have a conversation with him, that's all.”
I'm not sure anybody agrees with that, at least two of us would love to kill Seth, and three of us would thoroughly enjoy watching Jasper do whatever it is he wants to do to him.