Page 48 of The Beta: Part One

Chapter 20


It has to be Devon.

It has to be him so he can see for himself that he doesn't have to be afraid of Talia. She genuinely doesn't care if every one of my alphas have ringside seats to my first time with a female, but I do.

I know none of them would ever intentionally make me feel stupid or embarrassed, but I still think it might kill something in me if I did something wrong in front of them. I wish I could be like her, I believe what she said with my entire being, she won't see anybody but me when she's with me. But I'll see whichever one is with us, and reassuring Devon isn't the only reason it has to be him.

I know both Trent and Nathan want her, I've seen their eyes move over her the same way they move over me. I suspect that Kaleb is beginning to want her, too. His eyes linger and she's able to make him smile without even trying. He loves her attitude and the way she doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks about anything she says or does.

Anyone except me, that is. I don't want anyone watching that might want her as much as I do, and that's the other reason it has to be Devon. He doesn't want her like that, not yet.

I know he appreciates her beauty, you can't look at her and not see it, but he doesn't seek her out the way the others do. At first I thought these feelings I have about it were because I didn't want any of them to want her because I wanted them to only want me, but that isn't it. I want them to want her. I want them to want her as much as I do. I want her there for my next heat and I want us all to fuck her if she will let us.

It's just that this first time, I feel territorial over her. I don't want anyone else to have her until I've had my fill. I don't want to share her with them just yet. I want to keep part of her for just myself and I am too much of a greedy, spoiled omega to feel bad about it.

That is one of the few downfalls of being an omega, the knowledge that it is my right to be indulged and spoiled and given everything I want. Even if I wasn't raised and then trained to expect it, my DNA would demand it. I want what I want and I need to get it; and this is the first time I've ever wanted anybody but one of my alphas.

The moment I met them I knew they were mine. There were preliminary meetings and I let them compete with the other interested packs, but it was all for show. One whiff of their collective scents sent me reeling and I knew I'd never let another pack touch me.

I was a little anxious about them when I learned that they hadn't been after a male omega at all, but that didn't matter in the end. We shared such an immediate and strong connection that everything fell into place naturally. Occasionally one of their families will make comments about us having children and that makes me feel shitty, but my alphas are so quick to defend their choice to claim me so I try not to obsess over it.

I wanted to be angry when Talia was sent here because it felt like Devon's father was trying to pair us with a female who could give him his all-important grandchildren, but she never gave me the chance to be. From day one she has been here for me, and I felt a similar connection to her when I looked into her big sapphire eyes as I felt when I met my alphas. I knew then that I would want to keep her if there was any way the alphas would let me.

I never expected to want her like this, though. I knew I wanted her because of our connection, but I had no idea my body would yearn and weep for hers. I thought if I kissed her, if I touched her breasts and felt her against me that would be it, my curiosity would be satisfied and I could go back to business as usual; but that is not what happened.

I have been on fire for her from the first kiss. I love men. I love how they look and how they smell, how they taste, and I have never once been curious about a female. But I need Talia. My dick is hard right now thinking about her scent and thinking about how delicious she must taste.

Even in the mindless state I was in when I was in heat I wanted her, I remember begging for her, even just a glimpse or a sniff of her, I remember choking back a sob after they told me no again and again.

Then when I came all the way out of the haze and Devon told me that she went out to a bar to find a hookup I went into a rage. How dare she? How dare they? How dare they refuse my need for her and let her go find some piece of shit when she is mine? After I begged them for her. After they told me no so many times.

The scent of males clinging to her skin made me physically and emotionally nauseous. I had to scrub it off of her. She can't smell like anyone but me or the alphas. That was a pretty piece for me to work through, too, as I was brushing out her hair. I want to always smell myself on her, but I like their scents on her, too.

If she smells like them then I know she's safe. Because they're safe. I also enjoy their scents combined with hers. That combination goes straight to my dick. She wore my shirt and boxers for the remainder of that day and I could feel my chest swelling with pride every time I looked at her. It feels right for her to wear my clothes, and I find myself wishing every other hour that she would wear Nathan's or Kaleb's shirts around the house so I could see her in them, too.

I think I'm going to become obsessed with her scent and her taste, and her breasts. I never understood the appeal until I saw hers and touched them, until I had her nipple caught between my teeth and watched her nearly come apart because of it. Because of me. I look down at my thickening erection and sigh.

I think I'm going to have to fuck her soon, because I'm getting bored of jerking off, and I don't want to hurt my alphas' pride or feelings by asking them to fuck me because I'm hard and aching over her. I'm saved from the turmoil of it all by Talia herself waltzing into my bedroom with an armload of garment bags. Excellent. The clothes I ordered for us have arrived.

“This doesn't look like a cupcake dress,” she says, eyeing the dark brown bag marked with her name.

It isn't a cupcake dress. It is a blue-baller of a dress with slits up to her hips and down to the top of her rib cage done in black satin. The only pop of color on her will be the green ribbon I'll have her work into her hair. I chose an all-black ensemble for me that is almost identical to the ones my alphas are determined to always wear, the major difference will be the silk shirt I bought for myself in the same green as the ribbon for her hair. She's also carrying a smaller bag with the garter set I bought for her. It is more for decoration than function, it isn't designed to actually hold up stockings. It's mostly a harness for her thighs, and I want to see it with every single step she takes. “I need you to model it all for me. What color bra are you wearing?”

She grins at me, “Black.”

How convenient.

Ten minutes later she's cursing as she steps out of my bathroom, dress and garters on, “Jasper! I have to have weapons! Where the fuck am I supposed to even carry a knife, much less a gun?”

Oh, I didn't order the dress for my battle pixie, I ordered the dress for my dick. And my dick was a million percent accurate with his choice because holy fuck she's gorgeous. She hears my breath catch and stops fussing and blushes.

“Devon. It has to be Devon,” I say, my throat clogged. I can't wait another day, I need to feel myself surrounded by her. I need to feel her writhing and moaning and gasping under me. I need to decide if I can keep from destroying that dress.

“What?” she says quietly, not following my comment.

I swallow, and motion with my finger for her to spin around. She does and the sight of it all, her back framed by the straps on the dress, her toned thighs contained in the sexy as fuck garters showing with every movement, makes my cock immediately and painfully hard and I know I release a wave of pheromone-heavy scent because I watch her nostrils flare as she pulls in a breath.