Page 36 of The Beta: Part One

Jasper sighs in relief, and I hang up the phone.

He’s already naked and he’s so hot to the touch that I’d be afraid of burning my mouth if that wasn’t ridiculous. “Let’s get you off the floor, baby, onto the couch or a bed. Where do you want to go? Then I can make you feel better.”

He gets onto his hands and knees and slowly rises to his feet, his erection standing out angrily before him.

“Bed,” he says, “Kaleb’s.” I take his hand and start to lead him out of the living room and down the hall toward the bedrooms, but another wave crashes over him and he shoves me against the wall and down to my knees. Instinctively, I open my mouth for him because what he’s after is obvious.

He holds the base of his cock and lets me lick the head before he thrusts it between my lips. He fists my hair and holds my head immobile against the wall, I can’t do much more than take him inside my mouth and down my throat as he pushes inside.

I brace my hands against his thighs and he must think I’m trying to push him away because he growls the word no at me. He lets my hair go to grab my wrists and pin them to the wall above my head.

By now I’m drenched, my pussy feels like a throbbing, burning, aching monster that is clawing at me for relief. I hold my head still and swallow around him as he thrusts in deep and holds himself there, “I can smell you,” he says, his voice rough, “You like this. You like me fucking your mouth, don’t you?” I don’t bother to nod or answer, and he starts thrusting in and out again. “I want to fuck your...cunt. You called it a cunt. I like that word,” he says, and I groan around him.

He pushes deep again, “I want to fuck you while you suck one of them off, all of them. I want to watch you do it and fuck you.” His thrusting is becoming erratic now.

I can feel my wetness dripping down my thighs, I’ll need to burn these pants. I find a pattern of breathing and swallowing and licking. My hands are numb, but I don’t care. His thighs are starting to tremble and I know he’s going to cum, then I hear the kitchen door crash open and I think he’ll rush away from me to run for his alphas but he doesn’t. He keeps fucking my mouth like he’s going to go until he’s done.

I hear their footsteps stop in the hallway and I can feel eyes on me. Then someone comes closer, Kaleb. He pulls Jasper away from me and I gulp in a breath. Jasper is struggling to get back to me, but Kaleb is shushing him and telling him he’ll take care of him now. My hands drop to my sides uselessly and I wipe my chin and cheeks against my shoulders as I get up from my knees. Trent is the only one who makes eye contact with me as they stalk past me down the hall to their omega.

Three days. It has been three days since the five of them started fucking. There was a sense of order to it for the first few hours and then it sounded like a free for all. If I wasn’t so incredibly paranoid about another break-in happening when they’re all lost to Jasper's heat and the rut I’d be in my own room wearing out the batteries in my vibrator. My god, the sounds they’re making, the growling and the moaning and the fucking begging.

I’m a soaking wet mess and I can tell my scent is lingering all over the house. I’ve got the windows open to try to get my scent out as much as possible, I doubt Jasper will appreciate his entire living space reeking of me once he comes back to himself.

Jasper is an entire problem, though. He’s called for me several times since going into his nest; asking them to go get me so I can help them fuck him. I don’t know how to feel about that. I’m also more than a little anxious about how the alphas are going to feel about it once the heat releases them.

I’ve taken baskets of drinks and light foods to Jasper’s bedroom door twice a day, once in the morning and once around the time I usually make dinner. I never see them take it, but it’s always filled with the used dishes and leftover food when I go on my next round. I’m actually impressed they have the wherewithal to gather the dishes and put them out for me to collect.

I’ve been with packs during heats before, just not this close. I was always in another cabin or building, never in the same house as the omega. To be fair, Jasper is the first male omega I’ve experienced first hand, so maybe that’s the difference. The female omegas I’ve been around before couldn’t tolerate another female in their house when they were nearing their heat, and definitely not when they were experiencing it.

It’s nearing dinner when I hear a vehicle creeping down the driveway. It’s not quite dark out, but still not light enough to see who it is. There appears to be only one person inside the car, the driver, but I’m not taking any chances. I don’t know how long Jasper’s heat will last, and I don’t know how coherent the alphas are, but I send out a text anyway telling them that someone is here.

I grab my bat and take my gun out, ready to deal with whatever is about to happen. I hear the bedroom door open and close as I stand on tiptoe and look out the peephole to watch the driver get out of the car.

Devon, so saturated in Jasper’s scent it’s overwhelming, leans against the door to look out the little rectangular window at the top of the door, caging me in with his body. I can feel the heat radiating off of him and the combined scents of his fresh-cut grass scent and Jasper’s are reigning chaos on my system. “It’s the food. I ordered takeout. Jasper said he needed greasy pizza,” he rumbles and steps back.

“Oh, okay,” I mumble, “You can go back to the nest, I’ll bring it to the door. I think… um… I think the scent might be a lot for the delivery guy,” I say with all the finesse of an awkward teenager.

He looks down his nose at me, “Mine or yours?” he asks, “What the fuck have you been doing out here, anyway?”

I think I blush, “It’s not my fault. You guys are loud. I've got the windows open to try to get rid of it.”

The asshole hums at me, and says, “He’s asking for you. I didn’t think that little make out session would have had that much of an effect.”

I don’t know what to safely say to that, so I attempt to get him the hell out of the doorway and away from me, “Go ahead. I’ll pay him and bring your pizza to your door.”

I feel air move against the flyaways that have escaped my bun and then he steps away from me. “We got you one, too,” he throws over his shoulder as he walks through the living room, “The plain cheese. Just tip him with cash, they have our card on file for the rest.”

I tip the absurdly embarrassed pizza guy and he leaves, stumbling over his thank you’s and have a good night’s. He knows exactly what’s going on at this house, I just hope he doesn’t mention it to anyone; for some reason I really don’t like that some random guy knows our omega is in heat. Not our, their. And only mine sometimes. I have to remind myself to not use words like our and we. This is not an our and we situation, it is a them and me situation.

I put the three large pizzas and a bottle of beer for each of them in front of the bedroom door, as well as a bowl of cut fruit and a few waters. I was going to fuss about Jasper eating all this heavy, cheesy, greasy pizza, but I looked at the pizza marked as his and am happy to find that it’s the healthiest version of pizza imaginable. It doesn’t even have cheese.

I’ll make sure he gets some gooey, cheesy goodness once he’s back to himself if he wants it. I knock on the door and walk back to the kitchen to devour the pizza they ordered for me, I don’t even care how they knew I liked plain cheese.

The next morning Trent and Nathan emerge from the nest. They look exhausted, they’re covered in bites and other marks, and they’ve both got ragged scratches across their backs. They should look pitiful, but the sight of them like this makes things tighten and throb inside me. I wouldn’t mind watching Jasper put those marks on them, and I might like the idea of putting my own scratches down their backs.

No. Nope. Full stop. I cannot think about them like that. Not ever. I shake my head to clear it and violently shove those thoughts out of my head.

“Coffee,” Trent croaks, falling into a chair at the table. I suppress a giggle and bring him a cup, pour another for Nathan, and put the cream and sugar on the table between them. Nathan rests his head on the cool wood next to his cup and says in a completely tired and adorable voice, “I’m not used to it smelling like an aroused female in the kitchen. Going from Jasper in there to her out here is giving me whiplash. My dick doesn’t know what to do.”