Chapter 13
Devon is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. “What exactly does he want to do? Tell me again.”
I suck on the inside of my cheek, trying not to laugh at his expression. Nathan and Kaleb have similar looks on their faces, but I can feel a bit of heat beginning to sizzle from one of them. “ He wants to engage in heavy foreplay with Talia, probably since he’s never been with a woman. I heard them talking about it earlier when I was placing the cameras for Nathan. Our sweet omega is curious.”
It’s obvious that his interest in Talia’s body is something that none of them expected; I know I didn’t. Nathan may have suspected something, though; he’s a lot more intuitive than the rest of us. Jasper has never shown the slightest interest in any female before now.
“And,” I say, rocking back on my heels, “She’s making him ask us for permission before she allows it.”
Which is really respectful, if I’m honest. I don’t know that I’d do the same in her position. Jasper is exquisite on his own, but add his omega appeal and he’s exquisitely irresistible. What makes this more puzzling is, all cuddling aside, Talia hasn’t shown that sort of interest in him.
Devon looks off in the direction he feels Jasper’s tug on the bond coming from, Kaleb’s looking at the floor, and Nathan and I are sharing what probably looks like shit-eating grins.
Nobody says anything for a while, everyone’s thinking too hard. I’m not sure what might be going through the other’s minds, but I know that Nathan and I are on the same track. Kaleb will likely be on that same track soon, too.
The idea of watching Jasper exploring Talia’s tight, little body, and her being soft and pliant and indulgent while he does it is delicious. I can feel my cock starting to get hard the longer I think about it. I can’t even imagine what it would be like, what he would look like fucking her, I might ruin my jeans if I tried.
We are all dominant in our sexual relationships with Jasper. Don’t get me wrong, he revels in it. He loves the attention, and when he has more than one of us fucking and touching him he is at his happiest. During his heat he needs all four of us giving him everything we have and it is the most decadent experience; all of us touching, licking, sucking at him and each other. The rut he puts us into is so intense, we’re barely above his mindless state. But he isn’t ever dominant. He gets plenty of pleasure, all we can wring out of him, but he doesn’t do the fucking. He doesn’t hold us in the position he wants us in. He’s plenty demanding, and we always give him anything he wants, but he doesn’t get the same experience we do.
I’ve thought for a while now that Jasper needs to feel the heady thrill that comes from being the dominant partner. He’s never said anything or asked for it, it’s just a feeling I get. I think it would be extremely good for his confidence.
The biggest blow to his self-assurance is his size. He’s not exactly diminutive or feminine, but he is built like an omega. He’s easily half a foot shorter than any one of us, and while he is made up of tight, sinewy muscles that make me want to lick every line and ridge, it’s all put together on a small frame. Jasper looks like a gymnast, or a dancer.
Talia actually is diminutive. And feminine. She looks slight standing next to Jasper, and she’s dwarfed by us. Not that she cares. Her size, or lack of it, wouldn’t stop her from going toe to toe with any of us; and I know for a fact that the only reason she hasn’t had a round with me or Devon specifically is because it would upset Jasper.
“The red cherry on top,” I waggle my eyebrows at my awful play on words, “Is that she is going to require one of us to spectate, kind of like a chaperone. She said she wanted one of us there in case he got overwhelmed.”
Also extremely respectful and thoughtful, of both Jasper and us. We exchange several long looks. Devon takes a breath and opens his mouth to speak, but Nathan and I both yell, “Shotgun!”, and I’m just that much faster that Nathan's face shows his disappointment.
“Wait,” Devon reasons, holding up his hand, “We haven’t agreed.”
“Yes we have. You know he needs it. And I want to see it.”
His eyebrows shoot into his hairline, “Why would you want to watch him fumble around with Talia?”
I scoff, “Why wouldn’t I? You see them together everyday. If he wants to explore what a woman is like we know he’s safe with her. And I can just imagine how he’d look fucking her.”
Groans resound, and I give them a feral smile, “See. Shot…gun,” I draw out the word. Now we just need to wait for him to ask.
He does. Over dinner, right in front of her. I don’t know why, but I expected him to talk to us about it in private in hushed voices. We’re not surprised by the ask, obviously, just the timing.
I’ve got my mouth open, about to take a bite of whatever pasta dish it is that Talia made when he puts the question on the table. Devon puts down his fork and steeples his fingers over his plate. Talia is perfectly still, standing at the island with her own plate of food.
Jasper’s expression is determined and just a bit haughty. He does that when he’s nervous. He hides any uncertainty behind attitude. He’s trying to be firm and no-nonsense, but all I want to do is run my hands through his dark curls and kiss him till his knees give out.
Devon turns to give Talia a look and she must understand whatever he’s trying to convey because she nods.
“Jasper, you can do whatever you want with Talia, whatever she agrees to. I’d feel better if Trent was there, not to be involved or anything, but just in case you start getting uncomfortable. He could help you gather yourself and make you feel better.”
He saved Jasper from asking for a chaperone and I’m glad. “Of course,” I say, smiling at Jasper, “I’ll be a fly on the wall and I won’t make a peep unless you need me.”
“And you promise not to touch Talia?”
I cross my heart, “I won’t touch Talia. Unless she asks me to.”
“She won’t”, Talia says sourly, and looks down her nose at me.