Page 15 of The Beta: Part One

That’s what I was guessing, I nod at him and take another bite.

“Why do you know so much about omegas? I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

That’s not anything I want to talk to him about, but I can’t lie and I can’t exactly tell him it’s none of his business because it is his business. Anything that could have an affect on his omega is his business. I chew for a few seconds to buy me some time to come up with a truth that isn’t true. “I was trained and taught about omega health to prepare me to help care for one.”

That’s a true truth that isn’t the whole truth, and it won’t smell like a lie. My mother has been preparing me to be an omega my whole life, I’m just not one, and I’m glad that all the shit in my head is actually useful.

“Good,” he says, “I’m glad you know all this stuff.”

And that’s the best and most fruitful conversation either of us has ever had with the other.

Three days after my conversation with Nathan about Jasper’s heat something feels off. I’ve checked everything there is to check and I can’t find anything wrong anywhere.

Jasper tired himself out with Trent this afternoon and is sleeping in his nest. He asked me to come cuddle with him there but I firmly declined, reasoning that my scent in his nest would not be pleasant for his alphas.

He pouted but he accepted it. The alphas have all gone to tie up some work stuff before Jasper’s heat hits him, and them, fully. This is the third time they’ve left me alone to keep him company, and keep him safe, while they’re all away at the same time. Nothing felt off the other two times.

I’ve made several rounds and I can’t find anything wrong. I lock down the house just in case, though. Every door and window is locked, I know because I’ve locked and re-locked them at least five times.

I sent out a group text to the alphas, checking in and asking when they’ll be back. Kaleb immediately called to ask if something was wrong, and I told him nothing. I said, “Nothing is wrong. I can’t find anything wrong. Something just feels weird, I just can’t figure out what. Jasper is fine, still sleeping.”

I sent him a picture of Jasper snuggled into his blankets and pillows and piles of their dirty shirts so he could see that Jasper was fine. He said I’m probably just edgy because it’s my first time being here when Jasper is close to his heat. That could be it, and I hope it is.

It’s just getting dark, and I’m getting into a good plot point in my newest book when shit hits the fan.

I’m sitting just outside Jasper’s door when I hear the unnerving crash of breaking glass.

Jasper jolts out of his bedroom, gun in hand, his narrowed eyes scanning the hallway. I motion him back inside and tell him to lock himself in. His room is the safest in the house, but I tell him to lock all the locks on the blessedly reinforced door. He doesn’t like it, but he goes; and I move quietly to investigate. I can’t smell any odors or fumes and I don’t hear any voices. My guns are in my room all the way upstairs, and I can’t get to those stairs without going through the whole living area where the intruders likely are; but I always have a few knives on me.

I’m creeping down the hallway when I hear hushed voices coming from the kitchen. I peek around the corner and see four big guys. I crouch just inside Trent’s doorway and wait for them to start sneaking through the house. I don’t know what they’re looking for, it doesn't matter. My priority is keeping Jasper safe.

I risk taking the time to text the word Hurry to the group chat and put my phone on silent so the intruders won’t hear a notification if the alphas send anything back. It will be easier for me to deal with these assholes if they don’t know where I am.

I hear them whispering about killing that bitch beta and taking the omega back to their compound, and some crude remarks about him finding out how real alphas take care of an omega.

Fuck that.

I crouch down into the dark of the room, my eyes already adjusted to the lack of light, and listen to them deciding to split up, two stay on the ground level, two go down to the basement. Good, two now then I’ll hunt down the other two after. Footsteps are creeping closer and I grip the handle of one of my knives.

One guy turns into Kaleb’s room while the other enters the room I’m in and walks right past me where I’m poised to strike. I let him get all the way into the room before I snap my hands out, slicing through his pants to his Achilles tendon, and jump onto his back to drag him onto the floor where I slit his throat.

Easy peasy, and I’m sure Trent won’t mind the stains on his carpet, all things considered. I might even be able to get them out.

It wasn’t a quiet death, though, and sooner than I’d like dick number two comes running into the room.

I don’t know what he was expecting or thinking because he runs right in, gun drawn, without checking to see who or what is inside. He gets tangled up in the dead guy’s legs and ends up falling onto the body, landing him face to face with me where I’m squatting just behind the corner of Trent’s bed.

I swiftly twist the comforter around his head and straddle it, then stab him however many times in the chest until he stops struggling. Luckily I didn’t get hit by the wild shot he fired off before he was more concerned about breathing than shooting me. But that shot will bring the other two running.

It brought the other two, plus four more. I meet them all in the living room. I’m trying to keep them away from the hallway. Hopefully I can make it look like I’m trying to guard the security room I’m standing in front of.

One of them snorts, “Where’s your alphas, bitch? Shouldn’t they be here protecting their precious little omega?”

“They’re all out on a date. It’s just me here, boys. So, you can move on.”

“No, I can smell that pretty boy, he’s here somewhere. Just let us take him. It’ll get him out your way, so you can have the alphas to yourself.”

I laugh at him. “Fuck off and leave before I have to kill the rest of you.” I’m going to kill them anyway, but we can banter. It gives the alphas more time to get here.