Page 82 of The Beta: Part One

Devon nods, “We've already made plans to be here. Nathan will need to show you the improvements he's made to the security system and we'll show you some of the other measures we've put into place while you were gone. There hasn't been another attempt on another pack, but if anyone knowledgeable and observant enough cares to keep up they would know that the next three weeks will be a weak spot in the defense of our pack. So for that reason alone I’m glad you're back. Any extra lines of defense we can manage is good, and you were an incredible asset last time we had to handle something like this.” He doesn't mention the unpleasantness that happened after the attack on Jasper’s home; and neither do I.

I cannot sit on this bed another minute without a blanket that smells like Jasper. I stand up and say, “I forgot something upstairs. Can we go through all the security stuff tomorrow? It's late and I just realized I need to start dinner.”

They agree and I follow them upstairs. When they turn right to go to the garage for whatever secret meeting they need to have, I turn left and head straight to Jasper's room. I can hear from outside the door that he and Nathan are still playing, but I quietly knock once before entering anyway.

Trent has joined them on Jasper’s big bed, and they have him spread out between them, basically feasting on him. Jasper must catch my scent when I open the door because he whines my name and his hand shoots up to beckon me to him.

I glance at the alphas surrounding him for their permission to approach their omega, after they give me a nod I slowly crawl up from the foot of the bed to cradle myself between Jasper's legs. I can feel his straining erection pressing into my stomach as I lean down to give him a sweet kiss. I pull away and start to back off the bed, but he catches me up and pouts, “Stay. Stay with me. Stay with us.”

I bite into my bottom lip. This is a terrible idea. But he looks so pitiful and needy that I sigh and say, “I'll stay for exactly two minutes. I need to make you a decent dinner.”

Without missing a beat he says, “Trent and Nathan are making me a perfectly decent dinner.”

I laugh, “Well, the rest of us will still need to eat. And you have precisely a minute and forty-five seconds to give me an appetizer.”

I lower myself to my hands and knees and suck him down deep. His hips arch off the bed and his moan is cut off when one of them kisses him and steals the sound right out of his mouth.

Nathan's hand snakes down to hold the base of his cock, keeping it still for my attention, and Trent's hand maneuvers around both my jaw and Nathan's grip to push his fingers inside of Jasper's slick-dripping hole. Jasper's body is shaking under all the attention we're giving him.

I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock before I pop off with a wet smack, “Forty seconds, Jasper. You can do it, princess,” then I take him back into my mouth as Nathan works the shaft and Jasper groans out his pleasure.

His hips are bucking as much as they can with his legs pinned to the mattress by thick alpha thighs, and he's leaking deliciously from his cock and between his ass cheeks. Trent finds the little bundle of nerves inside Jasper and starts pressing and manipulating it rhythmically and I match his pace, closely followed by Nathan. The result has Jasper screaming and cursing, and when he shoots jet after jet of cum into my mouth he actually convulses hard enough that he throws off the legs holding him down.

I startle when a fist grips my hair, “Don't swallow it. Give it to me. He wants to see it, we were just talking about it. You can do that for him, can't you?”

I meet Trent's eyes and nod, carefully not swallowing another drop of Jasper's cum.

“Watch, baby. You get one of the things you've been begging for,” he says, and pulls me up to straddle Jasper's hips. Then he pulls my mouth toward his and proceeds to give me a sticky, wet, fucking hot kiss that somehow transfers most of Jasper's cum from my mouth to his, with only a little dribbling out onto my chin.

“Jesus fucking fuck,” Jasper gasps and I feel his dick twitch against my absolutely drenched cunt.

Then his eyes roll back into his head despite his fight to keep them focused on his alphas when Nathan jerks Trent into him to take what's left of Jasper from Trent's mouth. Seeing that forces a small sound from my throat. I'm so wet that I'll have to change pants before I even attempt to make dinner.

Then I start to burn. It starts in my stomach as a small, hot pinch, but it blooms into a churning fire that radiates from my aching pussy and I all but dive off the bed. I still for a quick moment, I don't want to alarm Jasper, but I can already see three men scenting the air and I snatch Jasper's fluffy white blanket from where it was pushed into the floor and successfully breeze out of the room, calling out over my shoulder, “You took fifteen extra seconds. Dinner will be late.”

I'm trying to give the impression that I'm not on fire and that I don't need to sprint to my room to get myself off before I die. As soon as I pull my hand from between my legs, I dig around in my bag to find the heat suppressors. I take one of the little pills and swallow it without a drink to help it go down.

I don't think that was anything like the spikes I've been experiencing, but it was more intense than my typical arousal. I don't want to take any risks. I text Bianca, telling her I owe her a pony for remembering to pack my medicine; then I wash my hands in the laundry room and grab a frozen pasta dish from the walk-in to throw in the oven for dinner.