Chapter 11
This is my favorite time, the week leading up to a heat with Jasper and my pack. I never thought in a million years that I’d be fantasizing about being balls deep inside a male while my friend of twenty years fucks his mouth, but here we are.
I also never thought I’d fantasize about a girl watching us, but after Talia caught Jasper giving me a blow job on the porch that’s all I can think about. I know Jasper wants her, even if he doesn’t realize it yet. He watches her, and he looks for reasons to touch her.
As far as I know he has never been with a female, has never wanted to, but I have and I know what it looks like to want a girl. I thought I might be jealous, but I’m not. My mind can’t decide what would be a better scenario, Jasper fucking Talia or Talia riding Jasper; I can just imagine how her tits would bounce with his thrusts either way. I haven’t thought about anyone else sexually since I put my mark on him, but I wouldn’t turn down Talia and I think Jasper would be on board.
I don’t know if it's because his pheromones are in overdrive but I think we all want her, even Devon. Trent does for sure, he mentioned it. Not that he’d ever act on it. He told me that he’d pay a lot to watch Jasper and Talia together, and all I could do is agree and offer to split the cost with him because fuck yes would I love to see that. They’re both so...pretty.
They have all this dark hair, both have such fair skin, full pink lips made for kissing and sucking...and now my dick is hard. I want to watch them kiss each other, I want to find out if me and Trent are right, that he would fuck her the way we fuck him. God, if he went all rough on her and held her down and fucked her till she was a writhing, moaning, gasping mess, then he could cum all over her tits and I could lick it off because Jasper’s cum tastes so good...I’m not going to survive if I keep thinking about this shit.
Right. Back to business. The desk in the security room is covered in wires, mics, earpieces, drones, and other devices we use for reconnaissance. I’m in the process of installing additional security around the property, so there’s a lot more equipment laying around as I sort out what types of sensors and cameras I might want to use. I don’t think we’ll need more than a basic mic setup for the auction, maybe a few pinhole cameras; most of our work has less to do with equipment and more to do with our ability to persuade people to tell us the things we want to know.
“What do you need me to put where?” Trent asks from the doorway.
He’s going to put some additional sensors near the new window and a few more around the house. The new window is reinforced, so breaking in that way won’t be as easy, but I need good visuals from as many angles as I can get in order to get the facial recognition program to give me anything useful. Some of the extra sensors trigger the silent alarms and go straight to my phone to alert me to any intruders or disturbances.
“These,” I tell him, handing him a few sensors, “Go on the ground under the new window. And these,” I hand him two more, “Go on the actual windowpane, try to get them as flush and out of sight as you can.”
He takes them, but isn’t quick to run off and place them.
“Hey, Nathan,” he says, “I want to talk about something we probably shouldn’t talk about.”
That means he wants to talk about Talia, or something in relation to her. “Okay, shoot.”
“I think Jasper is working up to propositioning Talia. I don’t know if it’s because he’s so close to going into his heat, or because he just genuinely wants her, but I think Devon just might shit. I don’t mind if he has that kind of relationship with her, but Devon might,” he tells me, leaning against the door frame.
“Yeah, I think you’re right. About both. I’m not really, I don’t know, jealous or anything. I I could see him with her. Do you think she’d go for it?”
Trent shrugs, “I think she would do anything he asked her to do. If he asks her for her ass I wouldn’t be surprised if she put a bow on it for him.”
Now I have another impossible visual in my collection, Talia tied up with ribbon, a pretty bow perched just above her ass. “Thanks for that imagery. She probably would, though. I think it would be good for him, I think he’d like being big spoon, so to speak.”
“I think so, too,” he says, then switches gears, “Do we need anything else on your end for the auction? We’re good on weapons and ammunition. I’d like to find a way for Talia to carry guns, I have the feeling Jasper’s going to pick another short-ass cupcake dress, or worse, a naked dress. She only had knives last time; that was fine because apparently she just needed a fork,” he chuckles,”but I know we’d all feel better if she could carry a gun.”
I raise my eyebrows. That purple dress barely covered her ass, where the hell did she have knives? She didn’t even have a bag with her. “Where did she keep the knives? I didn’t see any sticking out, or anything.”
Trent smiles wickedly, “I didn’t see it, but Kaleb said she had thigh straps, and the knives were clipped to them. Jasper thought she had a throwing star, but she said she didn’t.”
Well damn. Now I have another impossible image on file to give me a hard-on when I don’t want one.