Once the dishes are in the washer, I go around and clean up the rest of the mess.

“Why did you really invite me here tonight, River?”

Hearing her say my name is like a wave of heat to my cock. Fuck, I want to hear her say it while I’m buried inside her. I might have made a bet to fuck her, but it’s all I’ve ever dreamed about.

“Because I want a chance to get to know you.” It’s not a lie; that’s exactly what I want. “Because I think you want a chance to get to know me.”

“What’s changed all of a sudden?”

She watches me as I come around the counter and move next to her chair. I grab the back and spin it around so that she’s facing me and then I bend down close. Her sweet scent assaults me, and my mouth waters for a taste.

“It’s not sudden; it’s just the first chance I’ve had to get you alone.” She swallows hard, and I lean even closer. “And now that you’re here, I’m not sure I want to let you go.”

The doorbell rings, and I curse because it’s just broken the moment.

“Pizza’s here,” she says lightly, slipping out from under me. “I’ll grab some plates.”

I have no choice but to leave her there as I walk to the front of the apartment to get the door. What the fuck am I doing? Am I really going to spend a week fucking Mara and then let her go? How can I possibly hold on to her?

Maybe I’m just as selfish as my father, because I want my cake, and I want to eat her too.