

“You all right?” Emma shouts over the music.

She’s swaying her hips in the shiny sequined dress, and it’s making the lights of the club bounce off it. She stands out like a bright beautiful star, and I know she’s doing this to cheer me up. I force a smile and match her moves to show my answer rather than lie. Fake it 'til you make it, I suppose?

The truth is no, I’m not sure I’ll ever be all right again. I went from thinking River wanted nothing to do with me when he remembered who my family was to then hearing him shout he loved me. I was on a cloud until all of it came crashing down. If this is all some mind game he’s trying to play with me, he’s won. He knows I always think the worst of everything, so did he go for that weakness? Maybe he knew it would hurt me the most to make my head spin.

When I try to think of it rationally, none of it makes sense, but then again, being rational was never my strong suit. River made me want to challenge it. For the first time in my life, I wanted to run after something and to face the fear that maybe not everything goes wrong.

With River, things were so right. When he kissed me, it was like he took me to a whole other world that was only ours. I kind of understand why Cillian took his bride off to the middle of nowhere. They could be on their own and forget about all the drama.

I ran after River to show him that I’d face my fears. I’d hoped that maybe he could look past all our family crap so the both of us might fight together. For each other. For us.

I fell in love with him as a little girl before I knew what that even meant. That day at the bakery shattered it, and I thought that dream of us being together was forever gone. I know some people might find it silly that I dreamed of being with River, but when you grow up with parents like mine, you get to see that kind of epic romance every day. I thought it could be real for me too.

The truth is, I was right. I saw his eyes in the bakery that day. I just didn’t want to truly face it. I believed all the lies he fed me about it being a misunderstanding because I wanted him so badly. All the while, he wanted me to be as far away from him as possible. Even if he was turned on, he was pissed about it. That might be where a small seed of revenge started to form for him. He could have hated that on some level he desired me.

“Mara?” Emma pushes.

My smile must have fallen while I was dancing. I was going through the motions but nothing more.

“It’s okay.” I shrug, knowing she’s trying really hard to cheer me up.

I don’t think clubbing is Emma’s thing either, but after we got back to her place and saw all her roommates, we both wanted out of there. I knew I couldn’t go back to my place. The scent of River would be everywhere, and I can’t face that right now. I swear I can still smell him on me even now. Plus some of my family might pop up if they hear what went down.

A bet. That’s all I was. How did I not see something was up after what happened at the bakery? I’m so stupid.

He twisted it all to lure me right into him. He made me feel desired and sexy. God, I bet all his talk about the things we’d been doing sexually wasn’t new to him too. Bullshit. That man got me off better than I can get myself there.

A hot rush of tears pushes forward because I don’t want to think about him with anyone else. It’s stupid, and I shouldn’t care. The River that I’m jealous over isn’t real. He made himself into what I wanted to try and win a bet. Was his reason to ruin me?

“We can go if you want!” she shouts over the music. I guess I really suck at hiding how I’m feeling. I’m about to tell her okay but catch some commotion behind her.

The crowd of people moving to the music starts to part like the Red Sea. I recognize Beckett because he and Felipe have been friends for a long time, and at one time they were even business partners. He was at his wedding and at random events here and there over the years. He’s nice but quiet, like he’s always watching everything. It dawns on me that he likely owns this place.

“What?” Emma starts to turn around, but then I see River walking right past Beckett and straight toward me.

His eyes are hard and locked right on me. I take a few steps back, but my heel snags on something, and I start to fall. Luckily, someone from behind grabs me by the sides to keep me from going over.

“I got you,” I hear the voice say before spinning me around to face them. It’s the same man that offered to buy me a drink at the bar but I turned him down. I might have a glass of wine every now and then, but I didn’t think drinking after today was a good idea so I stuck with water. “Or maybe not,” he adds before quickly releasing his hold and taking off in the other direction.

I don’t have to look over my shoulder to see why he ran. My mind tells me it should be Beckett acting like a big brother or best friend to save me from all the men in the club, but deep down, I know it’s River behind me.

When two big hands grab my hips and pull me back into his solid frame, I close my eyes. I’d know his touch and the feel of his body without having to look. I can even smell him. I stiffen, not sure what to do. I want to smack him, but for a moment, I let myself relish this touch, which will likely be my last.

“I’m going to put you over my knee for wearing this dress,” he whispers against my ear, and I gasp.

It should piss me off, but instead I feel a thrill of excitement course through my body. I reach down deep inside of myself and remember why I’m even at this club to begin with. I pull up all the courage I can before I turn in his arms to face him.

I notice he has a cut on his lip as his eyes rake up and down my body. The dress Emma gave me fits me like a glove, and I hadn’t missed the attention it drew when we’d walked in. Normally, that would make me uncomfortable, but tonight it felt nice to think someone wanted me for more than some bet.

Even if River was telling the truth to his dad, he only ever wanted me because of a bet. Without that, this never would have happened. His plan was to hurt me. If he did somehow fall in love with me, then maybe for once karma kicked someone who really deserves it. He’s getting a taste of my life because I’m sure to River that’s the worst that could have happened. Loving me.

“Do you have to spank me to win the bet too?”

He leans down so his eyes are level with mine. “Bet or not, I’m all in, and your ass is mine.”