Of course, he was worried about that. He was always worried about hurting me. I smiled. “No, Daddy. I’m just messy down there.”

He smiled, relieved. “Ah. Luckily, I have just the thing that will help with that.” He got up and strode over to his closet. He pulled out a storage bin. “I always have some supplies on hand for if I take a Little,” he explained.

I propped myself up on one elbow to better watch him. “Do you take Littles often?” I asked. I tried to keep the jealousy out of my voice. It was only natural he would have other partners. But I wanted him all to myself.

“Only a couple of times in the past,” he said. “But I’m afraid they were doomed from the start because I always wanted them to be you.” He pulled out a package of adult diapers. “Have you ever worn one of these before?”

I shook my head. “I’ve always wanted to try, but I’ve never dared.”

He smiled. “That changes today, then. Get on your back for me.”

I quickly moved so I was lying on my back. He knelt next to me on the bed. “Raise your hips.”

I raised up my hips and he slid the diaper underneath me. “Okay, lower them for me.”

I lowered my body down on the soft cushion underneath me. It already felt comforting, and it wasn’t even on me all the way.

“Good girl,” Bryce murmured. “You’re being very good for your Daddy.” He slowly folded the diaper around me and secured it firmly in place. “How does that feel, little one?”

“Comfy,” I said, giggling a little. It really was comfy. Something about it also made me feel safe and clean. I could feel the diaper soaking up the cum that was still coming out of me and it made it a lot better.

Bryce kissed me on the forehead. “You were such a good girl,” he said. “Now it’s time to get you some breakfast.”

As Bryce and I went out to the kitchen to get breakfast, I couldn’t help but feel like I was the luckiest Little in the world.