He let out a sigh. “Baby, you just got a waxing. There won’t be any play time until the skin heals.”
Play time?
Was that what we had been doing? What all three of them had been doing with me?
I tried to push away, but he only tightened his hold around me. Not painful, but fuck if I could escape.
I let out a small, frustrated sigh, and Mikhail switched on the nearby lamp. A soft light bathed the room, and though it wasn’t bright, I still squinted against the intrusion. It took me a moment for my eyes to adjust.
I took in Mikhail.
Still the same expressionless man he had been when he entered the room, but something about him felt different.
“Can’t sleep?”
I didn’t answer him.
Something wicked glinted in his eyes. “You know, they say an orgasm can help with insomnia.”
My eyes widened and I pushed away from him, all the way to the other side of the bed. He let me go, his blue eyes laughing at me.
I thought he’d said I needed a few days for the skin to heal.
As if he could tell what I was thinking, he added, “Can’t really do any clit play, but you’re so fucking sensitive to my touch, I wondered if I could get you off with some nipple play.”
I pulled the blanket over my naked chest. I hadn’t forgotten the fact that I was naked in front of him, but somehow, from the moment he brushed my hair to when he … when he waxed me, I hadn’t been as self-conscious about it.
I was now.
Mikhail watched me.
I shook my head.
No, I didn’t want to dothatwith him.
Yet my body betrayed me when I felt some wetness between my legs at the thought, when my nipples felt heavy and hard and sensitive from the thought.
I hoped he couldn’t tell.
“Come here,kotyonok.” I had pulled the blanket all to my side, so nothing was covering him. His naked, powerful chest was on display, along with his hard abs and big arms.
The man was hard everywhere.
I was no match against him.
When I stayed where I was on my side of the bed, his eyes hardened just marginally.
“Kotyonok, you know I don’t like to repeat myself.”
I didn’t want to know what he would do to me if I disobeyed. Pure defiance told me to stay where I was. To stand my ground.
The coward in me didn’t want to get hurt, and fuck, the dumb part of me still wanted to please him.
Slowly, I moved over to him. He sat up and I settled down on his lap. I tried to leave as much room between our bodies as possible, but Mikhail pulled me back, and settled me sideways, so that the side of my head was resting on his chest, and his arm moved across my middle, holding me close to him.