Page 32 of Born in Depravity

She screamed, her fists flailing. She got one lucky shot.

We both froze, and I didn’t know who was more surprised, her or me. I could feel my amusement unfurling at her wide-eyed stare.

Before she could recover from the shock, I pulled her shirt off her and yanked down her jeans and panties. She made a move to grab them, but I blocked her. I unhooked her bra and slid it off, until finally she stood in front of me with not a single stitch of clothes on.

My cock hardened at the sight.

She was so much more mouth-watering than I’d imagined, from all the creamy pale skin on display to the little freckles on her shoulders from having lived in the Arizona desert for most of her life.

She was on the thin side of average, but it didn’t detract from her beauty, and she was curvy in all the right places.

I licked my lips as I took her in, and I knew the look on my face was scaring her. I couldn’t bring myself to care.

She crossed her arms over her small tits, but I wondered if she would have done it had she known it would bring my attention to her pussy.


She was a virgin. Untouched in almost every way. I knew it was true, since her virginity had been the commodity Agnello exploited while he searched for his new “son-in-law.”

Untouched pussy was nice, but it wasn’t worth what her father was making it out to be. Her virginity was just icing on the cake, since whoever married into the Agnello clan was only looking for the backing that came with marrying the don’s only daughter.

The opposite was true as well.

Agnello was looking for a son-in-law who would expand his power.

But looking at Catalina now…

All I wanted to do was see if I could make her untouched pussy weep with want. She wasn’t trimmed or shaved or waxed.

The patch of hair that covered her fully from my eyes was nothing more than a nuisance that I vowed I would rectify soon enough.

It would let her know just who she belonged to every time she looked down and found herself bare.

I moved closer to her and froze. My eyes came to a stop on the left side of her ribcage, and it took a moment for my brain to process what I was seeing.

I gently pressed the palm of my hand on her bruise. It was off to the side, which explained why I might have missed it at first, but the shoe print was unmistakable.

It wasn’t old, but it also wasn’t that new, so I knew it wasn’t caused by my brothers or me when we took her.


The bastard kicked her.

And I knew it was him. Who would dare touch the daughter of a don save for the man himself?

She was running away from home when we found her.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out why that was. But I didn’t know why I was reacting like this. I shouldn’t care that the Agnello bastard had hurt her.

I did.

I was fucking angry.

My fist clenched by my side, and I wanted nothing more than to pound the motherfucker’s face until it became nothing more than this unrecognizable, messy, bloody heap.

Before she could utter another noise, I carried her to the bathtub, letting my hand roam over any inch of soft skin I could before I placed her down on the tub.

She tried to climb out.