Page 18 of Born in Depravity


I had beenon the road for five hours now.

It was almost noon, and my stomach was growling with hunger.

I didn’t know where I could stop to find food, or even if I should. The feeling that someone was watching me had stayed all morning, yet every time I looked behind me, there was nothing and no one.

All that was in front of me and behind me was the wide empty road. Dirt rested on either side of the road.

I had passed a few cars, and some even came up behind me, but they all signaled and drove around me. I was going the speed limit.

I didn’t dare go any faster or slower. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, and I had nothing to entertain myself but my thoughts.

I wondered if Father knew I had run away.

He would send people to find me.

He would, not because he loved me, but because his reputation would be on the line otherwise. He couldn’t have people thinking he couldn’t control me, and what was more, my virginity was already promised.

My heart raced at the thought of him finding me.

A simple beating wouldn’t do this time.

I pushed on the gas pedal, going faster before I realized what I was doing.

Pulling onto the side of the road, I looked behind me.

The feeling of being watched still followed me and I didn’t fucking know why that was. I couldn’t see anything or anyone.

Letting out a small sigh, I checked the bag Roberto had given me.

I never had to pay for anything in my life. I never handled money, even if it was the driving force for my father’s empire.

This was a foreign concept to me.

I pulled out a hundred-dollar bill.

It wasn’t crisp or new.

It looked wrinkled and old, and I was sure Roberto did that on purpose.

I put the car in drive and continued, taking the first turn I came to.

I was hungry.

Luckily, it didn’t take me long to find a diner located off to the side.

Big trucks parked around the small building, and right next to the diner was a gas station that held two pumps.

I went to the gas station first, grabbing a notebook so I could tell people what I wanted before I got out of the truck.

There was a boy who looked about my age, if not a few years older, working the cash register. He had long, black, shiny hair that I was sure was due to lack of hygiene, adult acne around his chin, and a slight growth of untamed black hair surrounding the soft curve of his jawline, going down to his pointed chin.

I tried not to stare at him too much.

I didn’t want to come off as rude, and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself.

I could do this.