“Wait, those are the keycards to the same suite.”
Damien took her in. “Yeah?”
“We have more than one room available.”
Mikhail answered her, “That’s not necessary.”
The last thing I saw before we walked into the elevator was the women’s incredulous expression. I blushed.
I could only imagine what she was thinking.
Fingers glided gently across the side of my face and I looked up to meet dark blue eyes.
“Do you know what it does to me to see you blush like this?” Mikhail asked, his voice gruff.
I didn’t answer him, but I imagined it must be the same effect I experienced when I saw him smile, or saw Damien laugh, or saw Nikolay’s eyes glinting in mischief.
The elevator dinged and the door opened to the thirty-third floor. The top floor. Everyone seemed to know where they were going and I wondered what that was like. To walk around like you know what you were supposed to do.
I followed them to a corner suite. Nikolay opened the door and I walked into luxury.
Growing up as the daughter of a don meant I had the nicest clothes, the most expensive makeup, but besides my visits with Dr. Russo and when Father needed to take me somewhere to “show me off,” I was mostly stuck at home.
I wasn’t used to such luxury.
Nikolay moved out of the way for me to enter.
I looked around the suite. It had two bedrooms, a small kitchen, a decent living space with pristine white couches, and a large balcony. At the far end was a floor-to-ceiling window that looked out on the mystery city.
I didn’t know where we were, but I had a feeling we were no longer in Arizona.
When I turned around, Damien, Mikhail, and Nikolay were all staring at me.
I pulled up short.
Damien held out his hand and slowly, I moved toward it.
Every time I came near Damien, I always felt like I was doing something I shouldn’t be doing, or I was doing something that might hurt me in the end.
But perhaps …
Perhaps I didn’t care.
I placed my hand in his and he pulled me close. For such a cold man, his body ran hot, and I didn’t realize how cold I was until he pulled me into him.
“Come on, pet. Time for bed.”
Mikhail leaned down and kissed me while Nikolay watched me with what I was beginning to realize was a look of possessiveness.
It was the first time one of them had kissed me in front of the others, but unlike when Imerelysmiled at Kirill, Nikolay didn’t say anything, and it didn’t look like he minded that Mikhail had kissed me or that Damien was taking me to bed.
We walked inside the huge room.
It had an ensuite bathroom that connected to the other room, a large king-size bed that took up the center space, and, like the living room, a floor-to-ceiling window that looked out on the city. I went to the window.
I could see Damien’s reflection in the window as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
He tugged on the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing, baring my shoulder, and placed little gentle kisses there, causing goosebumps to appear on my skin.