I didn’t knowwhere we were going, but wherever it was, it was a long drive.
A part of me felt apprehensive over what would happen to me; the other part was still reeling over what had happened tonight with Henry. It felt like ages ago, between the moment I fell asleep in Nikolay’s arms and when Mikhail woke me up in the middle of the night and told me we were leaving.
I also couldn’t believe Mikhail had taken in my request to free the other women and the staff.
It made me feel like …
Like my voice mattered to him.
That had never happened before.
I chose to ask Mikhail for help over the other two because I thought he was more likely to say yes, but still, his answer surprised me.
The car was dark and silent. I was still sitting on Mikhail’s lap. It couldn’t have been comfortable, but when I tried to move off, he tightened his arms around me.
I wondered if his legs were falling asleep.
I squirmed a little from the thought, and felt him move his head down until his lips were near my ear. “What’s wrong,kotyonok? Do you have to use the bathroom?”
I shook my head, feeling my cheeks heat a little, especially since I knew both Damien and Nikolay were looking at us. I could feel their gaze, heavy with meaning, even in the dark.
“Put her seatbelt on,” Damien said.
I thought Mikhail would let me go, but he pulled the seatbelt on over the both of us.
“No need to get so tense. It’s a long ride, so why don’t you just lean against me and relax?” Mikhail said.
I could only nod.
I didn’t know when I drifted off, but when I woke up again, the sky was turning light blue and the car was stopped. It must have been early in the morning, and I didn’t know how long I had slept, but I was still so tired.
When I opened my eyes, I found dark eyes staring directly at me.
The memory of him holding me after Henry attacked me was seared in my brain.
This was the second time Damien had come to my rescue.
I just didn’t know why.
I quickly averted my eyes. The door on my side of the car opened and I jumped, only to be held back by the seat belt.
Nikolay bent down and looked into the car. “Come on, princess. You can rest inside.”
He held out his hand for me. Mikhail undid my belt and I stared at Nikolay.
He waited patiently for me, and slowly, I placed my hand in his. He squeezed it once before he helped me out of the car and led me away.
For the first time, I got a good look at my surroundings.
We were in the city somewhere, though what city was a mystery to me, and we were parked in front of a hotel. A bellboy came out, and the man who had driven us here handed the keys to him before making his way inside.
“That’s Kirill,” Nikolay said, when he noticed my eyes on the driver.
I turned to him.
“Don’t get any ideas. Three men are enough for you, sweetheart.”